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马啸陡然间拔出手枪将刀锋击倒。MaXiao sudden between his handgun will blade down.

警方正着手调查该男孩如何取接触到那支9毫米的手枪。Police were investigating how the boy got the 9mm handgun.

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这非常特别的手枪形状的灯由菲利普·斯塔克设计。Unusual handgun shaped table lamp designed by Philippe Starck.

不过,机场安检入口的扫描仪显示,她的皮箱里有一支手枪。The scanner screen revealed a small handgun inside the woman's luggage.

如何插入到一本杂志在这个自由9毫米手枪枪安全视频。How to insert a magazine into a 9MM handgun in this free gun safety video.

一名利比亚士兵炫耀着他的手枪,利比亚东部城市艾季达比耶。A rebel fighter brandishes his handgun in the eastern Libyan city of Ajdabiya.

如何正确和安全地卸载在这个自由枪9毫米手枪安全的视频。How to properly and safely unload a 9MM handgun in this free gun safety video.

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女巫成了致命的护士,而班柯被消音手枪刺杀。The witches are deadly nurses and Banquo is assassinated by handgun and silencer.

了解所有的9毫米手枪在这个自由枪外部零件的安全视频。Learn about all the external parts of a 9MM handgun in this free gun safety video.

选手必须将枪枝设为下述的安全状态并收回枪套之中。The competitor shall, holster the handgun in the one of the safe conditions below.

这时安检员马特在她的皮包底部发现了一支22毫米口径并装有子弹的短口手枪。He alleges he found a loaded . 22-calibre derringer handgun at the bottom of her purse.

这位名叫迈克尔的男子能够用双脚装填子弹并开枪射击。Michael can fire and reload a handgun with his feet, the Daily Mail of London reported.

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如果一支手枪被视为动作不正常或不安全的,则不得出现于比赛之中。If a handgun is declared unserviceable or unsafe, it shall BE withdrawn from the competition.

“就在他到达的几分钟后,他拿出一把手枪,开始向人群里射击”。"After just a few minutes, he took a handgun and started to shoot people," Roberg-Larsen said.

在一场比赛里,选手必须在所有的赛事中使用同一把手枪。This includes the instance where a handgun is declared unserviceable or unsafe during a course of fire.

手工小厂使用排钻,甚至是手枪钻打孔,尺寸误差较大。Handiwork small plant uses platoon getting, it is handgun getting stiletto even, on size error is bigger.

警察称,其中的一个少年拿这个手枪,要挟这两名恶作剧者上缴他们的万圣节战利品。One of the teens said he had a handgun and demanded the trick-or-treaters turn over their Halloween loot.

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直到走近她,我才注意到她死死地攥着我一把45手枪。It was not until I approached her that I noticed she was clutching my .45 caliber handgun in a death grip.

据报道,一名持有手枪的白人男子朝医生开枪后,开着一辆蓝色的福特金牛逃走了。According to the reports a white man carrying a handgun shot the doctor and then fled in a blue Ford Taurus.

警察称Beaty当时正与一名男子争吵,并拔出疑似手枪的东西威胁对方。Beaty was arguing with a man shortly before pulling out what looked like a handgun to threaten him, police said.