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我封你为兰斯洛特骑士。I dub thee Sir Lancelot.

所以我称你不可饶恕!So I dub the unforgiven !

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我想当一位日本的配音演员。I want to dub Japanese movie.

吾称之为“人生三役”。I dub it “Three Battles in Life”.

西班牙人喜欢为一切配音。The Spaniards love to dub everything.

一条新的运河正在该省开凿。A new canal is being dub in that province.

骗子盗号再截图配音。Cheater pilfer date again check scheme dub.

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她被迫自己掏腰包付了账。She has been compelled to dub up out of her own pocket.

在眼和鼻的部位,用指尖轻揉涂抹。Use your finger tips around the eyes and nose . Dub delicately.

一九九三年加入电影圈,演员、配音员、歌手及歌唱导师。Joined filmdom since 1993, artist, dub artist, singer, Singing tutor.

因此我美其名曰,循环观点Hence, the name, that I dub the argument, "The argument from recycling."

杜波因扭伤了一个肩胛而痛苦不已。Sol- leks was limping, and Dub was suffering from a wrenched shoulder blade.

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我给第一个论证起的名字是,"型相本质论"Now, the first such argument I dub "The argument from the nature of the forms."

比方说,假设需要为西班牙观众对一部美国电影配音。As an example, imagine that you have to dub an American film for a Spanish audience.

一九九三年加入电影圈,当过演员、配音员、歌手及歌唱导师。Joined filmdom since 1993, has been an artist, dub artist, singer, teacher of singing.

唐吉柯德请求客栈主人在星辰下的庭院为他授与骑士的名号。Then, Quixote asks the innkeeper to dub him a knight in the courtyard under the stars.

但是娱乐嘛,他说现在的时代不同了,只要喜欢配音就可以去配。But the entertainment, he said that now the time is different, as long as love dub can go with.

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您的作品特别的“静”,您做到了没有喧闹或者哗众取宠。Your work is especially "quiet", you have achieved to keep away from the blatancy and flub dub.

结论敏定偶适用于各种类型的青春期功血的治疗,止血迅速,疗效确切,使用方便,安全可靠。Conclusion Minulet is an effective, safe drug which is applicable for all types of DUB in adolescence period.

子宫内膜腺上皮细胞的分离、培养可作为功血的体外实验模型之一。The isolation and culture of endometrial glandular epithelial cells can be one of the in vitro models of DUB.