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但是,世界粮食计划署的女发言人卡塞拉表示,这仍然不够。But WFP spokeswoman Emilia Casella says that is not enough.

据联合国世界粮食计划署表明,仅需20欧分即可为一名儿童提供一份营养餐。WFP just 20 Euro cents to provide a nutritious meal to a child at school.

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洛奇说,世界粮食计划署在加沙城的食品库存可维持几个星期。Lodge says the WFP has enough food stocks in Gaza City to last several weeks.

据联合国世界粮食计划署表明,仅需20欧分即可为一名儿童提供一份营养餐。It costs WFP just 20 Euro cents to provide a nutritious meal to a child at school.

施林说,世界粮食计划署面临着燃料和粮食市场两者的挑战。WFP is facing the challenge of the "fusing of the fuel and food markets," she said.

里斯利补充说,美国星期天运抵北韩的粮食是北韩与世界粮食计划署新协议的一部分。Risley adds, the U. S. shipment that arrived Sunday was contingent on the new WFP deal.

联合国粮食计划署说八月南部索马里地区会有5,000-10,000人饿死。The WFP says that 5,000-10,000 people could die of starvation in southern Somalia in August.

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世界粮食计划署还敦促国际社会为缓解全球粮荒采取更协调、更有力的措施。WFP also is calling for a more coherent and increased international response to world hunger.

迄今为止世界粮食计划署的重点一直是为那些无法获得食品的地区提供援助。The main focus of the WFP to date has been to provide aid in areas where food was unavailable.

“在最近的一次风暴的屋顶倒塌时,我和我的家人勉强地幸存了下来,”他告诉世界粮食计划署。"My family and I barely survived when the roof collapsed during a recent storm," he tells WFP.

联合国世界粮食计划署起初称在太子港的仓库被劫,但之后又否认了这一点。The WFP initially said its warehouses in Port-au-Prince been looted, but this was later denied.

但是,根据联合国粮食计划署信息,去年,口蹄疫疾病又大幅削减了牲畜存栏量。But foot-and-mouth disease has decimated cattle stocks over the past year, according to the WFP.

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蒙特最近取消了一次到布纳基的两周的旅程,参加联合国粮食计划署“向饥饿宣战行动”。Monte recently cancelled a two-week trip to Bunaken to participate in the WFP Fight Hunger event.

世界粮食计划署表示,今年北韩将短缺150多万吨粮食。The WFP says this year North Korea will be more than 1.5 million tons short of the food it needs.

WFP表示,他们已经对朝鲜9个省份中的8个省份中的53个县进行了为其3周的调查。The three-week survey covered 53 counties in eight of North Korea's nine provinces, the WFP said.

该机构估计,到5月1号这些学校便将面临缺粮,45万名儿童将被迫忍饥挨饿。Schools will run out of food by May 1, depriving about 450, 000 children of meals, the WFP estimates.

美国和世界粮食计划署的官员表示,他们正在想办法减少运输和其他非食品类费用。U. S. and WFP officials say they are searching for ways to cut transportation and other non-food costs.

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点击选择正确答案后,那么网站广告商将会把20粒米捐献给世界粮食计划组织。When you click on the right answer, 20 grains of rice are donated to the WFP by the site's advertisers.

预计事发时现场有1100至1500人,人们在等待粮食计划署分发食品券。Expected time of the incident scene, 1100-1500 people, people waiting for the WFP distributed food stamps.

自从世界粮食计划署发出呼吁以来,价格进一步上涨,因此各国政府加大力度刻不容缓。Prices have only risen further since WFP issued that appeal, so it remains urgent that governments step up.