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花生饼,菜籽,棉籽。Peanut meal, rapeseed meal, cotton seed meal.

菜籽油和大豆油对人体都有好处。Rapeseed oil, and soybean oil are good for health.

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油菜杂种优势利用途径主要有三系法和两系法。There are two ways in utilization of heterosis in rapeseed.

我们很容易在田间收获大量谷类及油菜子。We can easily raise plenty of corn and rapeseed in the fields.

菜籽皮壳的利用以及生物柴油的生产。Utilization of rapeseed hull and production of bio diesel fuel.

甲醇相溶剂比和己烷相溶剂比对菜籽浸取的影响明显。The effect of TPS ratio to rapeseed on leaching yield was obvious.

同时也能提取菜籽饼粕中蛋白质用于食品工业。But it can also extract rapeseed meal protein for the food industry.

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种植此类作物的选择有很多种——玉米、油菜籽和麻枫树都可以。The choices of crop are diverse — from corn to rapeseed and jatropha.

高芥酸油菜品种是在工业上具有广泛用途的专用型品种。High erucic acid rapeseed is used widely for special purpose in industry.

南国的小麦正在抽穗,油菜正在开花。In the southern part of the country wheat is earing and rapeseed is in bloom.

目前芥酸主要从高芥酸菜籽油中制取。At present, erucic acid is mainly produced from high erucic acid rapeseed oil.

营养供给以基本基质加菜籽饼水液为佳。The best nutrition supply was basic substratum mixed with rapeseed cake liquid.

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不用再考虑剩油、甘蔗和菜籽油了——西瓜可成为生物燃料的一个最新来源。sugar cane or rapeseed oil – the latest source of biofuel could be watermelons.

建立了分子荧光法测定富硒油菜籽中硒含量的快速测定方法。Determination of selenium content in rapeseed by fluorometric method was studied.

2003年,转基因油菜在全球种植面积为352万公顷。In 2003, transgenetic rapeseed was planted 352 million hectare allover the world.

但是,突然我的眼睛被一瓶颜色较深的冷榨菜籽油吸引。Suddenly though, my eye was caught by a dusky bottle of cold-pressed rapeseed oil.

在实验室基础上,对油菜籽脱壳工艺条件进行了研究。The paper probes into the processing conditions for the decortication of rapeseed.

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本发明公开了一种菜籽饼或菜籽粕的脱毒方法。The invention discloses a method for detoxicating rapeseed cakes or rapeseed dregs.

进行了脱皮菜籽干法膨化预处理可行性的试验研究。Research on the possibility of using dry expansion to pre-treat de-skinned rapeseed.

论述了“双低”菜籽粕的主要营养成分及其营养价值。The major nutrients and nutritional value of double low rapeseed meal were described.