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而卡特赫纳生物安全议定书的功能与以上二者完全不同。The Cartagena protocol on biosafety has a wholly different function.

生物安全实验室洗手池设置在实验室的入口处。Hand washing sink should be set at the entrance of biosafety laboratories.

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最近,肯尼亚通过了一个生物安全法,允许转基因作物的生产。Even more recently, Kenya passed a biosafety law to allow production of GM crops.

但是由于对生物安全方面的担心,政府拖延了对转基因水稻的产业化。But the government has delayed commercialisation of GM rice due to biosafety concerns.

该小组已注意到需要提高地方和国家实验室的生物安全标准。The team has noted a need to upgrade biosafety standards in local and national laboratories.

介绍了生物安全实验室的安全防护及排风系统的重要性。Biosafety protect and importances of exhaust system in biosafety laboratories were presented.

目的研究有色氧化铝玻璃复合体对口腔黏膜组织的刺激性。Objective To study the biosafety of colored alumina-glass composite by mucosa irritation test.

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经历非典之后,国家对涉及到生物安全的场所加强了监管工作,并制定了系列的建设和管理规范。After SARS, the government enhances manage to the place where is used as the biosafety laboratory.

这将证明你单位能安全接受ATCC什么安全级别的产品。This will identify what biosafety level of ATCC materials can be safely received by your organization.

生物黑客也可以进入他们本地大学或医学中心的生物安全委员会中。Biohackers could also be brought onto biosafety committees at their local university or medical centre.

支持转基因的游说活动把干细胞研究问题和转基因大豆问题纳入了同一法案——生物安全法。The pro-GM lobby got the issue of stem cell research onto the same bill as GM soya — the biosafety law.

该大学说它“没有违反任何影响生物安全和公共卫生的要求”。The university said it had "not violated any requirements that would impact on biosafety and public health".

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让人担心的是,许多利益相关方被排除在农业部的生物安全评估程序之外。Worryingly, many stakeholders are being excluded from the agriculture ministry's biosafety evaluation process.

就这最后一点,他说国际间统一的生物研究安全性规章至关重要。On this last point, he says biosafety regulations that are the same across national borders are of key importance.

2008年,日本政府依据一项国际生物安全协议,批准了该产品的生产。The product was approved by the Japanese government in 2008 on the basis of an international agreement on biosafety.

结论构建的重组鸡痘病毒生物安全性好,对妊娠豚鼠和子代豚鼠无安全威胁。Conclusion The constructed recombinant fowlpox virus showed good biosafety to pregnant guinea pigs and their offspring.

生物技术有能力解决诸如干旱等挑战,但是过分注重生物安全可能会妨碍进展。Biotechnology has the capacity to address challenges such as drought, but overemphasis on biosafety may hinder progress.

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印度政府否认了它所受到的在生物安全承诺方面误导了国际社会的指控。The Indian government has denied accusations that it has misled the international community over its biosafety commitments.

随着各类转基因作物的问世及其农产品的不断上市,转基因作物的安全性问题已成为公众关心的焦点。With the applicaton of transgenic crops and their products, the biosafety of transgenic crops has become a public hot issue.

生物安全柜所应用的紫外线杀菌灯,它是发射紫外线C的,因为紫外线C可以杀菌。UV germicidal lamps, such as in biosafety cabinets, are designed to emit UV-C radiation because of its ability to kill bacteria.