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他的声音里有着多么难以形容的哀愁!What unutterable pathos was in his voice!

在那以后,就是无法形容的漫长黑夜了。After that the blackness of unutterable night.

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他已经遭受了种种无法形容的痛苦。He has already gone through unutterable agonies.

他们波动的回声中带有一种难言的悲哀。In their echoes, there was a tone of unutterable sorrow.

他不讲话了,但我猜他有满腔说不出的郁闷。He was silent, and i guessed at his unutterable depression.

她不说话了,但我猜她有满腔说不出的郁闷。She was silent, and I guessed at her unutterable depression.

在目前,我们的说不出来的话,也许在别处已经说出来了。The at present unutterable things we may find somewhere uttered.

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目前难以解释的事情也许已在他处说明。The at present unutterable things we may fine somewhere uttered.

去年秋天造成了无以言宣的破坏和毁灭。Unutterable destruction and devastation were wrought last autumn.

有负罪感的人为什么不尽早地让自己获得这种难言的慰藉呢?Why should not the guilty ones sooner avail themselves of this unutterable solace?

看见那种说不出的苦闷的神情,我简直控制不住自己了。At the sight of the unutterable passion of that look I could hardly control myself.

这幅图画所描绘的,是一种无可言喻最终的喜乐来临之前,短暂的哀伤。It is a picture of an inferable sorrow preparing the way for an unutterable and final joy.

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就好像人在临死之际,他用无法言喻的喜悦来享受濒死的痛苦。Like a man on the point of dying, it takes unutterable delight in the enjoyment of its agony.

简单的词语说出了这个灾难的来临,却没有描绘出这一可怕的场景。The simplest words must intimate, but not portray, the unutterable horror of the catastrophe.

新入门的人已意识到这里的奥秘是不能向教堂外面透露的。The initiates already realized that here were secrets unutterable outside the confines of the church.

祂来到我们的寒舍,我们本是不配,但祂却进入了,那是何等奇妙的恩宠啊!We are not worthy that he should come under our roof, but what an unutterable privilege when he condescends to enter!

假若在布热津卡,从来就见不到阳光,青草枯萎凋残,那才合乎情理,因为这里是一个无法形容的恐怖地方。It would be fitting if at Brzezinka the sun never shone and the grass withered, because this is a place of unutterable terror.

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他教化他的主要弟子的事迹令人称奇,妙不可言。Inconceivable and unutterable were the wonderful and astonishing actions which he performed for the bebefit of his chief disciples.

他知道他一跟这个姑娘亲吻,并把他那些无法形容的憧憬和她短暂的呼吸永远结合在一起,他的心灵就再也不会像上帝的心灵一样自由驰骋了。He knew that when he kissed this girl, and forever wed his unutterable visions to her perishable breath, his mind would never romp again like the mind of God.

船长的眼睛向上一瞟作为回答,那眼光的锐利与意味深长,除了前面提到的不能发音的中国语言外,其他语言都不能形容。The acuteness and the significance of the Captain's eye as he cocked it in reply, no words short of those unutterable Chinese words before referred to could describe.