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利用如虔诚军这样的非常规部队也是方法之一。The use of irregular outfits like Lashkar is another.

哈吉·萨利·穆罕默德,一个拉什卡尔加店主,也同意警察在不断改进他们的工作。Haji Salih Mohammad, a Lashkar Gah shopkeeper, agreed that the police were improving.

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直升机降落在拉什卡尔加,孩子们转移到平民医院。The Chinook lands at Lashkar Gah and the children are transferred to a civilian hospital.

英军原计划集中注意力在拉什卡尔加和格洛斯克之间建造一个“开发区”。The British had planned to concentrate on creating a "development zone" between Lashkar Gah and Gereshk.

“自从新警察局长到任后,这一年里拉什卡尔加的安全做得很好,”巴里说。"Security has been good in Lashkar Gah for one year since the arrival of the new police chief," Bari said.

拉什卡尔加居民也赞扬了赫尔曼德省的省长吉拉卜·曼加尔,他在稳定该省秩序中起了很大作用。Lashkar Gah residents also praised the Helmand governor, Gulab Mangal, for his role in stabilising the province.

巴基斯坦2002年取缔拉什卡圣战组织之后,达瓦慈善会成为这个组织的政治和慈善部分。After Pakistan banned Lashkar in 2002, Jamaat came to the forefront as the group's political and charitable wing.

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毛拉纳说,巴基斯坦官员鼓励当地民众成立类似上迪尔地区的“拉什卡”平民武装。Rehman says local lashkar is lashkars like the one that formed in Upper Dir have been encouraged by Pakistani officials.

一个赫尔曼德省政府官员说有接近1000个因战火而逃离家园的家庭已经到达了赫尔曼德省的首府拉什卡尔加事。Nearly 1, 000 families displaced by the fighting have arrived in Helmand's capital, Lashkar Gah, a provincial official says.

根据虔诚军和其他谈话者在巴基斯坦的对话,这些难民营很快地就被替换掉了。These were replaced in relatively short order according to conversations with Lashkar militants and other interlocutors in Pakistan.

但是这种共识认为,虔诚军的问题将在遣散巴基斯坦国内武装组织的进程的末尾才能得以解决。But the consensus is that dealing with Lashkar will come at the tail end of any process to demobilize militant groups in the country.

目前,英国军队把饱受战争蹂躏的赫尔曼德省首府拉什卡尔加的安全责任移交给了阿富汗军队。Today British troops handed over responsibility for security in Lashkar Gah, the capital of war-torn Helmand province, to Afghan forces.

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但是最近几年这种平衡举措随着虔诚军的壮大而收效甚微——孟买袭击就是个不争的事实。But this balancing act has become a lot more delicate in recent years as Lashkar has grown bolder -- a fact born out by the Mumbai attacks.

毋庸置疑,巴基斯坦想要维持代理战争的能力,而虔诚军是这一战略的关键。There is little question that Pakistan wishes to maintain the capability for proxy warfare, and Lashkar remains a lynchpin of this strategy.

而在该巡逻队遇害时,他们正在赫尔曼德省首府什卡尔加以北替阿富汗国家安全部队工作。They were working with the Afghan National Security Forces north of Lashkar Gah, the provincial capital of Helmand, when their vehicle was hit.

然而,虔诚军在历史上一直是巴基斯坦最为可靠的代理人,至少,继续享有该国正面的支持。Nevertheless, Lashkar historically has been Pakistan's most reliable proxy and, at the least, continues to enjoy the passive support of the state.

作为针对印度的一个地缘政治工具,虔诚军不仅继续提供高回报,其成本也比巴基斯坦境内的其他武装组织要低。Lashkar not only continues to offer higher benefits as a geopolitical tool against India, it also poses lower costs than other militant groups in Pakistan.

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至少有20枚火箭弹在南部赫尔曼德省的拉什卡尔加下落,其中一枚降落到排队等待投票的选民附近,一小孩被炸死。More than 20 rockets fell in Lashkar Gah, the capital of Helmand province, in the south, including one that landed near a line of voters and killed a child.

虔诚军给巴基斯坦造成的最大的威胁源于在印度的另一场大规模袭击可能会使巴基斯坦陷入与其拥有核武器的对手的战争。The largest threat Lashkar poses to Pakistan stems from the chance that another mass attack in India could envelop the country in a war with its nuclear-armed rival.

巴基斯坦2002年取缔拉什卡圣战组织之后,达瓦慈善会成为这个组织的政治和慈善部分。它否认与恐怖袭击有任何关联。After Pakistan banned Lashkar in 2002, Jamaat came to the forefront as the group's political and charitable wing. It denies any role in carrying out terrorist attacks.