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那是世博会的会徽吗?Is that the Expo emblem?

关于世界卫生组织会徽的进一步信息Further information on the WHO emblem

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在出版物中使用世界卫生组织会徽Use of the WHO emblem in a publication

十字架是基督教的象征。The cross is an emblem of Christianity.

鼓面有一八芒太阳纹。Tympanum with an eight-rayed sun emblem.

一个钟塔是那个城市的标志。A bell tower was the emblem of that city.

你能通知我这个会标的含义吗?Can you tell me the meaning of this Emblem?

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三角队旗上有一只鹰的标志。The team pennant has an eagle emblem on it.

你能告诉我这个会标的含义吗?Can you tell me the meaning of this Emblem ?

白花酢浆草是爱尔兰的象征。The shamrock is the national emblem of ireland.

这就是残奥会的会徽。This is the Paraplegics' Olympic Game's emblem.

天鹅们更被认为是汉堡市的象征。The swans are considered to be a Hamburg emblem.

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紫袍是权力和等级的象征。Purple robes are an emblem of authority and rank.

世界卫生组织会徽不可用于提供链接。The WHO emblem may not be used in providing a link.

奖牌背面是巴塞罗那奥运会会徽。The back of the Barcelona Olympic Games medal emblem.

火焰可以算作不朽的宗教象征。The flame is a quasi-religious emblem of immortality.

三是贝雷帽的警徽下有闪电徽号。Three are under berets have lightning insignia emblem.

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她们的阶级、政治身份远远大于她们的性别身份。They existed only as a male-defined emblem of politics.

澳大利亚的国花是金合欢花。Australia's National Floral Emblem is the golden wattle.

长条旗,燕尾旗一种与船只上的三角旗类似的旗帜或标志。A flag or an emblem similar in shape to a ship's pennant.