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森林中的动物惊恐的四散奔逃。Terrified animals flee before the onslaught.

这个城市反抗敌人的猛攻达两个星期之久。The city resisted the enemy onslaught for two weeks.

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战场上,他们再一次成功遏阻了敌军的围攻。They successfully resisted the onslaught of the enemy.

还有在岁月的风刀霜剑面前,为什么没有缓冲?And why is there no buffer to the onslaught of the years?

他的力量阻挡不住敌方的冲击。His strength did not avail against the hostile onslaught.

他们逃过了第一局敌人的猛烈攻击。They survived the first inning onslaught by their opponents.

BNP在最近发生的系列打击之前就早已是一团糟。Yet the BNP was in a shambles even before the recent onslaught.

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有鉴于中国媒体对此事正穷追不舍,似乎此事将不会很快淡出人们的视野。In light of the Chinese media onslaught so far, that seems unlikely.

他们打算成为一支光明之师对抗黑暗军团的猛烈进攻。They intend to be an army of light against the onslaught of darkness.

到目前为止,奥巴马还没有很好地回应这种非理性攻击。Up to now, Obama has not responded well to this onslaught of unreason.

红蜘蛛,领主,萨克巨人与袭击同谋共保威震天。Starscream, Overlord, Scorponok and Onslaught agree to follow Megatron.

19世纪初摧枯拉朽的工业化革命彻底颠覆了这种格局。The onslaught of industrialization in the early 19th century changed all of that.

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电影工业正准备向着“醒来闻到咖啡香”这类题材的电影发起了猛攻。Get set for an onslaught of films about people waking up and smell­ing the coffee.

尽管警惕性不高,美军与南越部队相对成功地击退了本次攻击。Although caught off guard, US and ARVN repelled the onslaught relatively successfully.

袭问题已经盖过北京的伤害控制工作,专家们说。The onslaught of problems has overwhelmed Beijing's damage-control efforts, experts say.

投票表决是美国医疗保险产业最后一搏的焦点所在。The vote was the focus of a last-minute onslaught from the US health insurance industry.

没人挖个散兵坑,或是垒些沙包以防不可避免的袭击。No one had dug trenches or piled up sandbags to protect against the inevitable onslaught.

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风雨万千年,但大澳的拱形石英砂岩柱仍然顽强地屹立不倒。A quartz sandstone arch in Tai O stubbornly resists the perennial onslaught of the weather.

残暴的郡长带人围住了舒活森林,他们用火猛攻农民军。Brutal County with people around the forests, their use of fire military onslaught farmers.

面临这次冲击,生物演化出了各种防卫机制。In the face of this onslaught , living things have evolved a variety of defense mechanisms.