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这条河是鱼多。This river is teeming with fish.

每年的这个时候,河里都是鱼。This time of year, rivers are teeming with fish.

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地球上的海洋无边无际,且充满了生命。Earth's oceans are wide-reaching and teeming with life.

一般来说,社会化网络充满信息。Social networks are generally teeming with information.

一年中大部分时间里,这个地区游人如织。For most of the year, the area is teeming with tourists.

工人们正把熔化的金属注入铸型模中。The workers are teeming melten metal into the casting mold.

“施琅”将去航母如云的太平洋巡逻。Shi Lang will sail into a Pacific Ocean teeming with carriers.

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商场和酒楼再次人头涌涌。Shoing malls and restaurants are once again teeming with people.

那座公园野生动物遍布,是个观赏大自然的好地方。Teeming with wildlife, the park was a good place to nature-watch.

在你了解它们之前,你的小院和花园将会丰富你的生活。Before you know it your yard and garden will be teeming with life.

商场和酒楼再次人头涌涌。Shopping malls and restaurants are once again teeming with people.

如果可以,我愿有个百花盛开的园子,每天去感受花开的美丽和感动。If only I could have a garden teeming with flowers in full blossom.

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大学院校中到处都是具备前者而不具备后者的人。Academia is teeming with people who are the former but not the latter.

城市里到处是出租房屋,犯罪横行且污秽不堪。Tenements spread across city landscapes, teeming with crime and filth.

到达这里以后,许多人在拥挤繁忙的曼哈顿下城安家。Once here, many made their homes in a teeming and bustling Lower Manhattan.

事实上在晚上很晚的时候,底格里斯河沿岸的公园里也不乏休闲的人群。Virtually every evening, the parks along the Tigris were teeming with people.

欢迎马雅丛林中,一个神奇的地方哟秘密和陷阱。Welcome to the Mayan jungles, a magical place teeming with secrets and traps.

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公元前2600年,印度河流域文明碧草丛生,充满着野生动物。In 2600 BC, the Indus Valley was verdant, forested, and teeming with wildlife.

优质土壤质地松软,团粒结构好,孔隙发育,微生物和土壤生物丰富。Quality soil is loose, clumpy , filled with air pockets and teeming with life.

这幢被称为“学生村”的楼房内,拥挤不堪地住着约一万名学生。The "student village", as it was called, was a teeming ware of 10, 000 students.