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大雾开始弥漫,渐渐包围了营地。The fog began to envelop the campground.

我用最拿手的斯洛伐克语问,“宿营地在哪儿?”In my best Slovak, I asked, “Where is a campground?”

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那里还有可以钓鱼的湖和露营地可以休息。It also has a lake for fishing and a campground where people can stay.

我终于选择了一个城市露营在一个小镇标志着夏我地图。I finally chose a municipal campground in a town marked Summerland on my map.

他们有一个很大的可以散步的森林露营场所。They have a large campground forested area and go for hikes throughout the day.

我们说,我们的好晚,我在这张照片的道路上回到营地。We said our good-nights and I took this photo on the way back to the campground.

一名十八岁的青年在加拿大西北领地的营地被黑熊杀害。An 18-year-old man was killed by a black bear at a Northwest Territories campground.

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大多数露营是充分,有些人看上去他们已经有一段时间。Most of the campground was full, and some folks looked like they had been there a while.

我们中的许多人谈到了一段时间的露营地,其中大部分是关于自行车和在那里我们一直。Many of us talked for a while in the campground , mostly about bikes and where we've been.

在野营地近旁是特雷尔溪,溪里满布石头,溪水潺潺流过。Next to the campground is Trail Creek, a stream filled with rocks that the water rushes over.

在远程获取布什Opanuku露营地回到基本的级联贝壳杉,怀塔克雷山脉地区公园。Get back to basics at the remote bush Opanuku Campground at Cascade Kauri, Waitakere Ranges Regional Park.

附近有一些温泉及瀑布,还有你也可以在营地上搭起营火。There are some hot-springs and waterfalls nearby, and, in the campground , you are allowed to have a campfire.

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罢工行动昨天影响了所有艾伯特省境内的国家公园,在野营地内处处可见抗议者。Strike action hit all Alberta national parks yesterday, with picketers becoming part of the campground scenery.

Hayes没有回忆起看见过任何他的访客但是他说营地可以容纳超过200个家庭。Mr. Hayes did not recall seeing any visitors for him but said the campground can accommodate more than 200 families.

但我们却发现了一些守林人和一些日本商人在庆祝新型营地厕所的出现。But we did find a group of park rangers and some Japanese businessmen celebrating the opening of a new campground toilet.

很多电子商务网站出售事件或饭店房间的票,租赁小汽车,露营地空间和租赁小船花费预定。Many e-business Web sites sell tickets for events or take reservations for hotel rooms, rental cars, campground spaces , and rental boats.

在Southwick警察局自首前,伊萨雷尔一直藏身在马萨诸塞州西部一个露营地的活动房屋内。Israel, who was hiding out in a mobile home at a campground in western Massachusetts, showed up at the Southwick police station on a Yamaha scooter.

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无论是左拐角的家庭野营地还是右拐角的大十字路口,我们都有着自己的一套提示准则以保证前路正确。Whether it's the family campground to the left or the big cross on the right, each of us has our own set of personal reminders that we are on the right path.

这一通攀岩涉水也许延长了我的旅途,但我回到了营地,只比预定时间只晚半小时多些。I might have prolonged my trip by jumping over huge rocks and wading through rivers. But I did get back to the campground only about half hour behind schedule.

在过去的数十年间,这片开阔地域曾短暂的作为林场和临时露营地所用,而人们对其认识也仅止于碎石堆、贫瘠的土壤与猖獗生长的杂草。For decades, the abandoned property, identified by its gravel piles, raw soil and rampant weeds, became the temporary site for a tree farm and a campground for transients.