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时间缓解一切哀痛。Time soften all griefs.

爱使冷硬的心变软。Love soften the icy hearts.

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焦痂开始软化。The eschar begins to soften.

能把你收音机的声音调轻些吗?Would you soften your radio?

说什么都不能使他软化。No words availed to soften him.

亚麻籽油可软化僵硬的皮革。Linseed oil will soften stiff leather.

莉薇觉得自己对卡罗琳的态度变温和了。Livy felt herself soften towards Caroline.

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塑料适当加热就可以软化。Plastics will soften when exposed to heat.

不过房价可能在未来有所软化。But prices could soften some in the future.

陶瓷工人在黏土中加入水分使它软化。Parters potters add water to soften the clay.

原来,最令人心软的,是一个人的身体。Actually, what makes you soften is one's body.

你可以用它们来柔化你的言辞。You can use them mainly to soften your speech.

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很可能加过一点碳酸氢钠让它变软。Most likely a bit of bicarb too to soften it up.

制陶工人会加一些水来软化黏土。Paters and Potters add water to soften the clay.

地毯的颜色使整个风格柔和起来,带来更温暖舒适的感觉。Area rugs help soften the look for a cozier feel.

蜂皇浆萃取物能够柔和平滑您的肌肤。The royal jelly extracts soften and smooth your skin.

水彩画似乎能使室内气氛和谐。Watercolors just seem to soften atmosphere in a room.

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“我非常努力地软化它,我猜想,”乔说。I tried very hard to soften it, I suppose, " Jo said."

最后,用酥软的心去润泽他的身体。Finally, we use our sweet hearts to soften their bodies.

穿一字领的无袖上衣可以弱化太过丰满的胸部。Wear a sleeveless top with a to soften a very full bust.