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在我们家生闷气是没有人搭理的。A fit of sullens got short shrift in our house.

寻求庇护者也受到了冷遇。Those who seek asylum also receive short shrift.

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我们对那些刑事罪犯将严惩不贷。We will give the criminal offenders shot shrift.

在我们家里,闷闷不乐是不会有人搭理你的。A fit of the sullen got short shrift in our house.

在我们家里,闷闷不乐是不会有人搭理你的。A fit of the sullens got short shrift in our house.

在我们家里,闷闷不乐是不会有人搭理你的。A fit of the sullens got short shrift in our house.

的确,这本关于中国的著作漠视了中国人民的作用和力量。Indeed, the Chinese people get short shrift in this book about China.

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官方错误行为的受害者经常经常这样的上访,通常他们得到的是漠不关心。Victims of official wrongdoing often make such trips, and usually they are given short shrift.

定义对我们很重要,在这门课中当然不会一笔带过。Definition is important to us, and we're certainly not going to give it short shrift in this course.

英国工党似乎乐于接受欧洲一体化,但对左翼极端分子则漠然置之。The new Labor Party seems to accept closer European integration with enthusiasm and to give left-wing extremists short shrift.

抨击欧盟,激烈地讨论福利问题和罪犯临刑前短暂忏悔问题——从许多方面看这都是一次传统的保守党会议。UNION bashing, tough talk on welfare and short shrift for criminals—in many ways it was a conventional Conservative Party conference.

虽然科技业喜欢宣传它的“旅行顶尖商人”,事实上移动商务用户得到的便利少得惊人。As much as the tech industry loves to celebrate its "road warriors," in truth mobile business users have been given surprisingly short shrift.

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曼城引诱他的队长的可能性成为温格赛前新闻发布会一个问题,不出所料,这位法国人不予理会。The prospect of City snaring his skipper was put to Wenger at his pre-match press conference and, predictably, the Frenchman gave it short shrift.

尤文为了提高下个赛季中场的控球能力,在求购利物浦的西索科失败后转向了乌迪内斯的穆塔里。Juve are keen to add a ball-winner to their midfield next season and are turning to Muntari after receiving short shrift from Liverpool over Momo Sissoko.

从我们这方面来说基本上没啥别的消息,据说温格和罗塞尔见了一面不过老板很快把丫扇回去了。From our side there's little news other than the suggestion there was a brief encounter between Rosell and Arsene Wenger during which the Arsenal manager gave him short shrift.

我唯一不太满意的是,克雷博士只是很简短地介绍了所谓自愿性可持续发展标准对全球供应链和消费者行为的影响。My only concern is that Dr. Clay gives rather short shrift to the ways in which voluntary sustainability standards can affect global supply chains and impact consumer behavior.

但这个主意被欧元区15国的财政部长们所忽视,后者上周在法兰克福的一次会议上表示,税制变化只会扰乱竞争。But that idea has received short shrift from finance ministers of the 15 euro-zone countries, who in a meeting in Frankfurt last week said tax changes would only distort competition.

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尽管中国国家语言文字工作委员会用八年时间咨询专家并斟酌改进的方案,但这些新汉字仍然很难被公众接受。Despite China's State Language Work Committee investing eight years consulting language experts and mulling over the changes, the new characters received short shrift from the Chinese public.

在生产能力普遍过剩的现代,市场营销受到人们的普遍重视,但是人们的注意力普遍集中在大企业、名牌产品的市场营销上,中小饮料企业的市场营销没有受到足够的重视。But people generally concentrate on the marketing of large enterprises and the products of famous brands and the marketing of small and medium-sized beverage enterprises is getting short shrift.