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不过,我还是在一些城市的街头进行了表演。But I did busk in a few cities.

在欧洲,什么样的人会在街上表演呢?In Europe, what kinds of people busk?

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晚上我到火车站外面去卖艺。I busk outside a railway station at night.

街头艺人是指在大街演出表演与上演奏音乐或表演节目的人。A busk er is someone who performs music or an act on the street.

我计划在一些繁华的路段进行街头表演,筹钱去旅行。I plan to busk in some busy streets to make the money I need for the travel.

卓别林,他的童年,在操场上和巡回剧团卖艺或零工。Chaplin his childhood in the playground and itinerant troupes busk or odd jobs.

在北京做英语教师的戴润·斯诺讲述了他当街头艺人的经历。Darren snow an english teacher in beijing talked about his experience as a busk er.

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巴斯克顶级特藏所用的葡萄收成自果园中最好的地块。The Busk top hides the grape crop which especially uses from the orchard in the best land parcel.

我有想过了。通常繁华的路段会有一条步行街,我可以在那里。I've thought it over . There would usually be a pedestrian street near those busy streets. I could busk there.

他喜欢夜间爱河畔那五光十色与街灯五彩缤纷的景色。He likes the night scenes with some colorful light around the river and some busk ers singing or dancing on the river bank.

毕尔巴鄂是西甲仅有的3支从未降级球队之一,雄踞西班牙的西北一隅,被称为“巴斯克雄狮”。Bilbao is Group A only 3 never degrades one of teams, is majestically located Spain's northwest corner, is called "the Busk male lion".

一个高度近视的女博士去擦鞋店擦高统靴,秃头老板亲自蹲下来给她效劳。When a woman doctor who suffers a severe myopic went to shoes-polishing shop for her busk ins the bald boss squatted down to serve her personally.

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这个引起轰动的国际歌星,其生活开始的实为奇异——一个偶然的决定让她开始去为她的晚饭钱在街头卖艺,从此她踏上了演艺的道路。Life started out very differently for this international singing sensation – it was a chance decision to busk for her dinner money that set her on the road to stardom.