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这台望远镜拥有三台高灵敏度的红外照相机。sensitive infrared cameras.

红外信号和播放音乐出来的。Infrared signals and play them music.

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红外线发射器。峰值波长880纳米。Infrared emitter. Peak wavelength 880 nm.

红外线发射器。峰值波长945纳米。Infrared emitter. Peak wavelength 945 nm.

正当他离开时,红外线报警器响了。Just as he leaves, the infrared alarm burps.

红外安全光幕是一种区域防护技术。Infrared light curtain is applied to area security.

红外线多点触摸屏,支持1点,6点触摸屏查询一体机,32点。Infrared Multi-point Touch Screen, Support Of 1,6,32

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红色代表斯必泽所拍图像。Red represents the infrared observations of Spitzer.

红外摄像头可以记录下你所敲击的按键。An infrared camera could record which keys you pressed.

但是它们可以提供可用的光学和红外数据。But they can produce useable optical and infrared data.

很多情况下,需要用红外耳温计迅速测量体温。Here introduces how to design infrared ear thermometer.

赫歇尔所收集到的红外光来自于尘埃。Herschel collects the infrared light given out by dust.

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望远镜重三吨的照相机利用红外光进行观察。The telescope's three-ton camera sees in infrared light.

它也拥有自己的红外制导头,制导系统以及跟踪器。It has its own infrared seeker, guidance system, and motor.

隐身纤维的最低红外发射率可达0.60。The lowest infrared emissivity of the fiber can reach 0.60.

红外对射围墙防护。24小时保安巡逻。Infrared radiation protection wall. 24-hour security patrol.

并测试了竹炭的红外线性能与负离子性能。Infrared ray and negative ion of bamboo charcoal were tested.

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讨论一下红外光谱学能提供什么信息。Discussion of what information infrared spectroscopy provides.

火系魔法提供了最好的和最新的红外技术。Fire Magic offers the best and the latest infrared technology.

选择特征性光谱与胆囊癌组织光谱进行比对。Then the infrared spectra were recorded by the same equipment.