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不要储藏它。Do not hoard it.

那是什么,龙的藏宝?What's that, dragon hoard?

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富有者囤积了更甜美的梦想。The wealthy hoard the sweeter dreams.

老彼得·戈德思韦特攒下的破烂儿。Old Peter Goldthwaite's hoard of old rags.

你在你书房里聚藏了多少古玩?How many curios do you hoard in your study?

许多动物有贮藏植物种子的行为。A large number of animals hoard plant seeds.

在大夏宝藏中发现的黄金小雕像。Small gold figurines found in the Bactrian hoard.

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吝啬鬼为了聚集钱财而过着非常贫困生活的人。One who lives very meagerly in order to hoard money.

像白菜这种冬令蔬菜还是要多储存一些。We should hoard more winter vegetables like cabbages.

东西虽小,不要自私地藏起来。Though a thing may be small, don't selfishly hoard it.

面的抽屉内藏了一些巧克力。He kept a little hoard of chocolates in his top drawer.

阿隆森所拥有的那一批书后来被他的侄辈捐献给了布朗大学。Aronson’s hoard was donated by his nephew to Brown University.

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他第一次使用我们华丽辞藻是什么时候?When did that first weep through our hoard of rhetorical flourishes?

如果私自藏起,就伤害了父母的心意。If you hoard things for yourself, your parents' hearts will be grieved.

中国领导人清楚的认识到他们持有的短期国债是个问题。Chinese leaders clearly realize that their hoard of T-Bills is a problem.

仅仅征用囤积了您从行动离开这最后的愿望。That last wishes as merely commandeer to hoard up you away from the action.

佳物虽小,也不要私自隐藏,如果父母知道你隐藏一些东西,一定会很伤心。If you hoard up the best for yourself, kinfolk's feelings are sure to be hurt.

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然而考虑到心中天平另一端上他的财宝储备,克里森实在是不能再耽搁了。With his treasure hoard hanging in the balance, however, he could not afford to delay.

有一只银水瓶很大,上面的精美装饰可能暗示了其用途。A large, exquisitely decorated silver flask might offer a clue to the purpose of the hoard.

相反,如果你自私地把钱藏起来或者用在愚蠢的地方,会永远觉得钱不够多。However, if you hoard money selfishly or spend it frivolously , you will never have enough.