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会议厅的门大开著。The door to the divan was wide open.

长沙发椅在离她三尺远的地方。Within three feet of her was the divan.

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亨利勋爵伸手摊脚地躺在沙发上,笑着。Lord Heney stretched himself out on the divan and laughed.

亨利勋爵伸手摊脚地躺在沙发椅上,笑着。Lord Henry stretched himself out on the divan and laughed.

皇帝在湖岸上观赛﹐坐的是貂皮大床。The emperor watched from the shore on a sable-lined divan.

在起居间里我还有一只长沙发,我可以睡在那上面。I had a divan in my sitting-room, and could very well sleep on that.

整个下午懒散的躺在无靠背的沙发沉思于令人崇敬的维多利亚女王时代!Laze on a divan all afternoon contemplating the sublime nature of the Victorian universe!

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沙发或扶手椅的需求都依据每个房间的内部特点来决定。The need of either a divan or armchairs at the interior of the particular room is decided accordingly.

墙上有画,长沙发上有柔软的土耳其式枕垫,地板上有棕色长毛绒面的踏脚凳。Pictures were upon the walls, soft Turkish pillows upon the divan footstools of brown plush upon the floor.

这儿有面具女郎,躺在沙发床上,就是现在放钢琴的位置上。好吧,我想你应该好好休息下。There were women wearing masks, Lying on a divan right where this piano is. All right, listen, maybe you should get some rest.

到后来,在卡扎菲参加西方领导人的会议期间,当他们坐在卡扎菲居住的传统贝都因人帐篷中时,他声嘶力竭地历陈历史上西方对利比亚的错误看法。To the end, during Gaddafi's meetings with Western leaders, when they sat on a traditional divan in his Bedouin tent, he hectored them about historical wrongs against Libya.

她平躺在长沙发的一头,身子一动也不动,下巴稍微向上仰起,仿佛她在上面平衡着一件什么东西,生怕它掉下来似的。She was extended full length at her end of the divan , completely motionless, and with her chin raised a little, as if she were balancing something on it which was quite likely to fall.