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有个人,养了一只玛耳太狗和一头驴子。A man owned a Maltese dog and a donkey.

许多马耳他人热衷于英式足球比赛。Many Maltese avidly follow English football matches.

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至今马耳他还未获得奥运奖牌。No Maltese athlete has won an Olympic medal to date.

该公司是马耳他最古老的葡萄酒制造商之一。The company is one of the oldest Maltese winemakers.

马耳他人的高贵气质就是在这一时期形成的。The Maltese nobility was established during this period.

伊丽莎白·泰勒的爱犬戴西从主人身上“遗传”了雍容华贵的气质。Actress Elizabeth Taylor with her pet Maltese dog, Daisy.

马耳他人已经习惯了陌生游客的蜂拥而至。The Maltese are used to strange visitors invading their homeland.

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尽管马尔济斯犬体型极小,但却似乎不知道害怕。For all his diminutive size, the Maltese seems to be without fear.

马耳他人常常会为了这项运动杀死鸟类,但也会将它们捕获放在笼中售卖。The Maltese normally kill for the sport or trap birds to sell in cages.

陪伴泰勒度过最后一段人生的是几只漂亮的白色马尔济斯犬。Most recently Elizabeth Taylor's dogs have been beautiful white Maltese.

马耳他人最喜爱的体育活动之一是射击和捕鸟。One the favourite Maltese sports is shooting or trapping anything that flies.

欧盟最后一个反对离婚的国家马耳他日前也投票通过离婚合法化的提案。A polling station for the Maltese referendum on whether to make divorce legal.

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我是马尔他人,我听说你也有亲戚在那边?。I'm from Malta and I've read somewhere you have Maltese relatives. Is this so?

另一家分部的特利·马特西前来主持大局。Terry Maltese who had run another division of the company moved in and took charge.

在大英帝国的帮助下,马耳他人开始反抗法兰西统治者。The Maltese rebelled against the French forces with the help from the Great Britain.

这是一个独特的度假村,与周围未受破坏的马耳他农村十分协调。This is a unique resort designed to harmonise with the surrounding unspoilt Maltese countryside.

如果你有时间来你新克夏灐或马耳他然后将这一切手段繁殖。If you have the time to come your new Yorkshire Terrier or Maltese then by all means get this breed.

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对于马尔他岛上的人们来说,这个小女孩即将启程进入她的来生,在这漫长的旅程中她孤单一人,有些恐惧。To them, the little Maltese girl was going off on her great journey into the next life, alone and a little frightened.

受害者多次敦促加快行动速度,他们指控教堂和马尔他当局处理该案件拖延的时间太长。Victims have repeatedly urged quicker action accusing the church and maltese authorities of taking too long to deal with the case.

我有6只狗,2只小的呆在家里——1只是马尔济斯,1只是jersey,后来我们又养了一只大的马士提夫犬和三只猎犬。I have six dogs, two small ones at home – one maltese and one small jersey – and then we have a big mastiff and three dogs for hunting.