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快速弹回来会有帮助!Bouncing helps!

那是一个健康活泼的婴儿。That is a bouncing baby.

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看!他们正在拍球。Look ! They're bouncing a ball.

伯莎蹦蹦跳跳地进了房间。Bertha came bouncing into the room.

我们目前的工作进行得很顺利。Our work is just bouncing along now.

吹起芦笙,弹起牛腿琴。Lusheng blowing, bouncing Qin bracket.

球跳弹着滚下楼梯。The ball went bouncing down the stairs.

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汤姆把手放在丹弹起的膝盖上。Tom put a hand on Brendan's bouncing knee.

这孩子在沙发上蹦蹦跳跳,把沙发弄破了。The child had broken the sofa by bouncing on it.

小学生们正在操场上蹦蹦跳跳。The pupils are bouncing about on the playground.

如今你看他们又结实又胖,脸上红扑扑的。Today you see them bouncing , buxom, red as cherries.

肥嘟嘟、肉乎乎不一定就是理想宝宝的代表。Plump and bouncing babies are not necessarily the ideal.

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他在我身边一蹦一跳地前进,继续他的发言。Bouncing along at my side, he continued his disserta-tion.

在肚皮舞是一种垂直弹跳摆振摆振。The bouncing shimmy in belly dancing is a vertical shimmy.

一起玩人人网弹弹堂、人人网开心农场。Play all network Bouncing Church, everyone CAPE heart farms.

这男孩高兴得尖叫,在床上蹦蹦跳跳。The boy squealed in delight bouncing up and down on the bed.

弹射器的弹跳小猪通过拼图猪肉的自由!Catapult your bouncing piggy through puzzles to porky freedom!

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从一边到另一边的斯蒂芬妮匠鲣鸟是弹跳。From side to side BOOBIES of Stephanie Carpenter are bouncing.

篮球滴下法院通过上上下下弹起它。The basketball is dribbled up the court by bouncing it up and down.

巴比特往常总是兴冲冲地,有说有笑地下楼吃早饭。Often of a morning Babbitt came bouncing and jesting in to breakfast.