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“SOT”表示录音带或原声片段。"SOT" stands for sound on tape or sound bites.

今天,这个著名的广场已经变成了球迷们庆祝的舞台。After SOT Today, the famous square is being used to stage Leipzig's Fan Fest.

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教练奥列格·布洛欣不会让他们满足于已有的成绩。After SOT One man who won't let them rest on their laurels is coach, Oleg Blokhin.

主教练阿德沃卡特非常明白胜利的重要性和它所带来的回报。After SOT Coach Dick Advocaat is fully aware of both the significance and reward of victory here.

当数字源表检测到这个SOT信号后,LED特征分析测试就开始了。After the SourceMeter instrument detects the SOT signal, the tests for characterization of the LED begin.

电子图书馆的兴起,对图书馆事业的发展既是机遇也是挑战。The growing up of e- library is not only the challenge but al sot he chance for the development of the library cause.

一时间,德国的一角已经成为小突尼斯,狂热的球迷马诺比已经把这些全拍了下来。After SOT For a while, one corner of Germany has been turned into Little Tunis, and this red snapper has it all on film.

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虽然许多广播电台和电视台现在都已使用数码而非过去的录音录影磁带,但是SOT已成为一种习惯用法。Even though many stations now capture all video digitally without using tape, the abbreviation SOT appears to have stuck.

推导了非线性弹性结构等效参数亚超谐共振KBM解拟合法的计算公式,提出了选用准则。A sot of formulae-are deduced by the KBM method for identifying the effective elastic parameters of the nonlinear structures.

多哥的前锋阿德巴约想到即将面对自己阿森纳的队友亨利,就特别的兴奋。After SOT Togo striker Adebayor is especially excited. at the prospect of playing against his Arsenal strike partner, Thierry Henry.

突尼斯队现在已经来到了柏林。谁知道呢?方迪和他的球迷朋友们也许已经有理由来庆祝非洲球队的进球了。After Sot Tunisia are inj Berlin today. Who knows? Caleb and his fellow fans may yet have cause to celebrate a feast of African goals.

与此同时,泰国皇家武装第三军区司令前往美索医院会见受伤士兵。Meanwhile, the Commander of the Royal Thai Army's No. 3 Regional Command went to the Mae Sot hospital and met with the injured soldiers.

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从一开始,突尼斯队就被伤病困扰着,特别是他们的首席前锋多斯桑托斯。After SOT From the start, the Tunisian campaign has been plagued by injuries, especially to their leading striker, Francileudo Dos Santos.

这两个国家有最近同意建造另一个友谊的桥梁,在美索和米雅瓦迪之间创造第二贸易区。The two countries have recently agreed to build another friendship bridge and create a second trade zone between Mae Sot and Myawaddy Township.

在2010年1月,他警告在美索德缅甸救援人员说他们可能会被遣返,如果他们卷入缅甸政治事务。In January 2010, he warned Burmese humanitarian workers in Mae Sot that they could be deported if they get involved in Burmese political affairs.

马克思运用该方法,分别对历史过程中的自然次序、因果关系和发展次序进行了考察,而非单纯由果溯因的“从后思索”。In this way, Marx studied the natural order, consequence and developing order, how ever, what he studied was sot simply from "result" to "cause".

布兰斯切是东德队那天的场上队长,也很清晰的记得在开球之前他同对方相同号码的队员弗朗茨•贝肯鲍尔说过的话。After SOT Bransch was East Germany's captain that day and can clearly remember his words before the kick-off to opposite number Franz Beckenbauer.

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伟兴远东有限公司成立于一九九四年为庆湖绍兴花雕酒及湖南酒鬼酒之香港总代理,欢迎查询。Wai Hing Far East Ltd. is a company based in Hong Kong responsible for the marketing and distribution of QINGHU Shaoxing Chiew and Sot in Hong Kong.

当地的艺术家贾伊没能赢得第一名,但是他仍然被授予成就奖,因为他的画描绘出了斯图加特和世界杯的联系。After SOT Local artist Jai Wanigesinghe failed to win first prize, but he did receive an achievement award. His collage portrays Stuttgart AND the World Cup.

在边境的消息说,美索大桥封闭显然抗议泰国在伊梅流域一条河上进行水土流失工程建设。Sources on the border say that apparently the Mae Sot Bridge was closed in protest against Thailand's construction of a river bank erosion project on the Moei River.