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这艘船是主力舰吗?Is it a capital ship?

什么是资本性资产?。What is capital asset?

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把它叫做大写的。W We'll call it capital W.

科尼是一个出色的大夫。Corney is a capital doctor.

它它当你来将这块的时候你会按照。Palindrome with a capital P.

首府圣皮埃尔。The capital of Saint-Pierre.

土地、劳动力与资本品Land, Labor, and Capital Goods

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金融减震器就是资本。The shock absorber is capital.

马三,“首都就在咱这儿。And the capital was right here.

资本性支出的详细情况。Detail of capital expenditures.

彼得大帝修建了这座新都He constructs this new capital.

他乘直升机来到首都。He helicoptered to the capital.

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理由之一是资本不足。One is the scarcity of capital.

一片水浸润的性灵。An capital moistened with water.

我们去首都剧场吧。Let's go to the Capital Theatre.

另一个便是配置资金。The other is capital allocation.

他还打算修建新的帝国首都He wants to build a capital city.

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我辗转漂到了省城。I turn to the provincial capital.

台北是中华民国的首都。Taipei is the capital of R. O. C.

他的资本被骗光了,他回到家里。He came home shorn of its capital.