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这真是一只酷狗!And this is one cool canine.

犬血涂片,嗜酸性粒细胞Canine blood smear, eosinophil

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犬牙和门牙挤压在一起。The canine is impacting on the incisor.

她甚至还和一位犬科推拿师合作过。She even works with a canine chiropractor.

连爱犬也有自己磨牙的幸运饼。Even dogs have their own canine fortune cookies.

这个昔日的机器人时宠爱犬晃。This canine robot of yesteryear wiggles when petted.

检查你有无狂犬病和弓形虫病的记录。Check with your vet about canine hygiene and worming.

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猫的牙齿分为门齿、犬齿和臼齿。Incisor teeth into the cat and canine and the molars.

在它的上颚有一对大的犬齿。It has a pair of large canine teeth in its upper jaw.

犬细小病毒的表现是什么样儿的?The performance of canine parvovirus What is it like?

猪,雄性有巨大弯麯的犬齿。Indonesian wild pig with enormous curved canine teeth.

犬瘟热是少得多罕见的,这是空降。Canine distemper is much less rare, and it is airborne.

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犬是背驮式减体积肝移植理想的动物实验模型。The canine PBRSOLT is an ideal animal experiment model.

食草动物的犬牙很小或者没有。Herbivorous animals have very small canine teeth, or none.

现在,这条狗睡觉前必须要抽一根烟。Now the canine must have a cigarette before going to sleep.

一种经过练习的狼犬,用来攻击窃贼等。A canine dog that has been trained to attack burglars , etc.

但是如果你愿意的话,我可以安排一位“狗义工”来看你。But if you like, I can arrange a visit from a canine volunteer.

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但是我想,人与狗的关系超越那位科学家的断言,包涵着更深刻的内容。But there is more to the canine connection than this man avows.

因此,墙画虎的“上犬牙”是一个人工的错误。Thus, the "upper canine" in poster tiger is an artificial mistake.

第三组的病人则没有任何探望者和犬类。And members of the third group received no visitor, human or canine.