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何谓自动下线?What is automatic logoff?

法规遵从性和自动下线Regulatory compliance and automatic logoff

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我们来验证一下刚才设置的自动下线配置。Let's verify the automatic logoff configuration set above.

您可能会注意到,在这个脚本中没有退出操作。You might notice that there is no logoff action within this script.

这指出了各种法规遵从性的自动下线防备的重要性。This states the importance of automatic logoff provisioning for various regulatory compliances.

您可以退出并再次登录以确保更改生效,或使用命令纯源化配置文件You can logoff and login to make the change effective, or sourcing the profile with this command

在本文中,我们描述了自动下线的重要性及其与法规遵从性的关系。In this article, we have described the importance of automatic logoff and its relation with regulatory compliances.

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如果需要进行配置文件大小管理,可以使用一个注销脚本来清理用户客户端缓存和程序集缓存目录。If profile size management is needed, a logoff script can be used to clean the users Client cache and assembly cache directory.

自动下线特性通过对休眠使用推荐的超时值,可以帮助降低此类风险。Automatic logoff feature helps alleviate such risks by automatically disabling the session using recommended time-out values for dormancy.

该中心提供一种网络成瘾虚拟测试,这能帮你决定是否是时候来关机,登出账户或者改变即时通讯状态为“离线”。They offer a virtual Internet addiction test that can help you determine whether it might be time to shut down, logoff or change your IM status to "away."

而且,你也可以利用这一便捷指南来计算出你在使用电脑中的“任务计划”时登陆和注销的次数,这样,你就能准确获知自己在某个用户名下使用电脑的时间。You can also make use of this neat tutorial to track your login and logoff times using scheduled task in Windows. That would tell you exactly the time you spend in a particular user account.