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不,听我说。No, listen.

我们将听取意见。We’ll listen.

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在vinyl.com上听音乐?Listen to vinyl?

而我总会颔首聆听。I nod and listen.

哦?说来听听。Oh? Listen to me.

我开始听起新闻来。I began to listen.

听一听涂颜色。Listen and colour.

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所以,听取他们的意见。So listen to them.

但是驻足聆听。But stop to listen.

别听他胡说!Don't listen to him!

请听我说。Listen to me,please.

请竖起耳朵好好听哦!So listen carefully.

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让我们听听他们说的。Let’s listen to them.

听听它的叫声多么悲哀!Listen how he whines!

听一些轻音乐。Listen to soft music.

听听那孩子吧!Listen to that child!

不要听从她们!Do not listen to them.

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我听豹一样。I listen leopard-like.

在静默中聆听。Listen in the silence.

听,公鸡在打鸣。Listen to the rooster.