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这是胡萝卜、鸡蛋,还有玉米做的。There are carrots, eggs and cornmeal.

他每天用玉米面填饱他的鸭子。He crams his ducks with cornmeal every day.

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他的早餐通常都是一碗麦片。His breakfast is a bowl of cornmeal normally.

我拿了一袋玉米粉,带到独木舟上。I took a sack of cornmeal and carried it to the canoe.

玉米糊。由在水中或汤中煮沸的玉米粉制成的一种浓粥。A thick mush made of cornmeal boiled in water or stock.

之后,煮了加糖和牛奶的麦片粥。I churned up the cornmeal porridge with milk and sugar.

我在鱼上撒了玉米粉,放在篝火上烤。I dredged his fish in cornmeal and fried it over the fire.

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将面团整形成短棍状或是圆球状放到铺了玉米面的烤盘上。Form into baton or boule shape and place them on a tray sprinkled with cornmeal.

然后我们会煮玉米粥,而且我真的这样想,我会与你分享。Then we would cook cornmeal porridge, and I mean it, of which I'll share with you.

白脱牛奶以及鸡蛋搅拌均匀,再加入玉米粉直至搅拌均匀平滑。Whisk buttermilk into eggs, then add to cornmeal mixture and whisk vigorously until smooth.

玉米面由干玉米磨制而成,它常用来做玉米面包、玉米饼和玉米棒。Cornmeal is made from dried corn kernel and is used for corn bread, corn cakes, and corn sticks.

要确定小鸡之间都间隔3英尺并且喂养它们玉米粉。Make sure the chickens are three feet apart from each other, and make sure to feed the chickens cornmeal.

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他阅读了有关他父亲的部落以及他们如何养牛,他们如何生活在泥屋里,他们如何吃玉米面和山药。He read about his father's tribe and how they raised cattle, lived in mud huts, and ate cornmeal and yams.

巡防队长告诉马克,由于缺乏足够的玉米粉和食盐,所有他的人都无法组织巡逻。The lead scout tells Mark that his men cannot go on patrol because they don’t have enough cornmeal and salt.

罗金宝等人只在刘鲁平家里吃起野菜汤,棒子面都给白莲花吃了。Luo Jinbao and others only in Liu Luping family eats the vegetables soup, for the white lotus flower to eat cornmeal.

以感官评价为指标,通过挤压膨化、粉碎和调配等工艺研制了麦胚芽和玉米粉混合的冲剂产品。Triturated food prepared by extrusion of wheat germ and cornmeal was studied with referent indexes of sensory characteristics.

他拉过我的鹿皮袍,洒在我的额头玉米面和洒他所谓的“圣水了我的头和身体”。He pulls the deerskin robe over me, sprinkles cornmeal on my forehead and sprinkles what he calls "holy water" over my head and body.

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而在书架上,一只硕大的绿眼睛白熊,和一只绿眼小兔子一起分享着一碟磨得细细的黄色玉米粉。And, on the bookshelf, a magnificent white bear with turquoise eyes shared the dish of stone-ground yellow cornmeal with the little turquoise rabbit.

以玉米面为原料,通过研磨、酵母发酵、成型、熟化等工艺,制成具有可口酸味的玉米面条。With cornmeal as raw materials, a kind of flavorful sour corn noodles was produced through a series of processes of grinding, fermentation, shaping and boiling.

在这个自由食谱获得视频剪辑有关使酪烤鸡肉,大蒜捣碎土豆粉和玉米粉涂料在鸡从专家厨师秘诀。Get tips for coating chicken in flour and cornmeal from an expert chef in this free recipe video clip about making buttermilk baked chicken and garlic mash potatoes.