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“中央木柱”是第一个球柱。The kingpin is the number one pin.

墨西哥大毒枭在与海军交火中被打死。Mexican navy kills top cartel kingpin in shootout.

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如果“中央木柱”离开,这个交易或者项目就有可能失败。If the kingpin is removed, the business or project is likely to fail.

所以在一个项目或者交易中的最重要人物就是“中央木柱”。So the most important person in a project or business is the kingpin.

并由此提出一个简易的主销后倾角测量方法。A very easy measurement of the kingpin caster angle is been put forward.

解决了测量主销倾角量值检定的问题。The problem of calibrating kingpin obliquity metrical results is resolved.

制动杆的轴孔应指向对主销的顶部。The brake lever axle hole should be pointing towards the top of the kingpin.

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我公司主销鼠标,但是只要电脑周边产品都可以做。My company kingpin mouse, but as long as the computer peripheral products can make.

雪人之前在酒类广告中的巨大成功把他推上了市场营销的风口浪尖。The snowman’s saturation in booze ads catapulted him to become a marketing kingpin.

经营非法红油的黑道油王儿子遭绑架,警局的一名女性警员接到这桩侦查的任务。A corrupt red oil kingpin enlists the aid of a female police officer to help find his son.

民族精神是一个民族赖以生存和发展的精神支撑。National spirit is the moral kingpin on which a nation relies for survival and development.

他表示,执政党核心人物小泽一郎也会从该党二号位置上退下来。He said that ruling party kingpin Ichiro Ozawa would also resign from the party's No 2 post.

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90年代中期,刘国玺曾被远东经济评论认定为毒枭。Liu Guoxi was named as a drug kingpin in the Far Eastern Economic Review during the mid 90's.

在此基础上提出了考虑回正性能与转向轻便性的主销内倾角与后倾角的优化设计理论。Based on these function, a theory for optimization of the kingpin inclination and caster is brought out.

斯托伊卡一直劝我打消会面的念头,但我就是想见识见识所谓的核心人物。Stoica discouraged me from attempting this meeting, but I wanted to know what an alleged kingpin looks like.

例如,报纸也许会报道说,警察已经逮捕了一次偷车行动的主要嫌犯。A newspaper may report, for example, that police have arrested a suspected kingpin of a car stealing operation.

你将会遇到这种情况,一个曾经是卖茶壶和婴儿服装的妇女突然间就成为一个电子产品的主脑人物。You'll get some lady who was selling teapots and baby clothes and all of a sudden she's an electronics kingpin.

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赫特人贾巴是个可恶的匪徒鼻涕虫,外环星域远近闻名的犯罪集团首脑。A loathsome slug of a gangster, Jabba the Hutt was the preeminent kingpin of crime in the Outer Rim Territories.

进而通过主销横向、纵向偏移距以及主销内倾角和主销后倾角,计算出内倾拖距和后倾拖距。Then through these two offsets, as well as kingpin inclination and caster, kingpin offset and caster trail can be calculated.

使用弹簧夹,固定安装的主销和轴一起。保证,他们都面向如下所示绘制。Using a spring clamp, fasten the kingpin and axle mount together. Insure that they are oriented as shown in the drawing below.