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他似乎不愿意帮忙。He seems indisposed to help.

他感觉到有点不舒服。He feels slightly indisposed.

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她因伤风而感到不舒服。She is indisposed with a cold.

我今天感到有些不舒服。I feel a little indisposed today.

她似不想打网球。She seems indisposed to play tennis.

炎热的天气使人不愿意辛勤地工作。Hot weather indisposed a man to work hard.

莎莉亦将代替另一名因病不能演出的歌手。Shirley will also stand in for an indisposed singer.

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他妻子说他身体欠安,但我知道他是喝醉了。His wife says he's indisposed , but I know he's drunk.

她终于早早上床,越来越感到不好过。At last she went early to bed, more and more indisposed.

他总是在师父感到不舒服的时候来看望师父。He used to visit the Master when the latter felt indisposed.

他们打电话来说,他身体不舒服,因而今天不能来上班。They phoned to say he's indisposed and won't be coming to work today.

你可能体验过款式漂亮而不舒适的鞋子?You possibility does the experience lead the style beautiful but indisposed shoes?

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若立时心思放纵,贪求外来的安慰,这就破坏了为日后领主的好预备。If a person lets his mind wander to external comforts, he becomes quite indisposed.

年轻人似乎想提出某种年纪大的人不愿答应的要求。The young men seem to be preferring some request which the elder ones are indisposed to grant.

她离开我房间的时候就说有点不舒服,但我以为那是无关紧要的。She has just left me, and she complained of being indisposed , but I did not think seriously of it.

人们在身体“不适”时谢绝邀请,我希望他们在觉得情绪上不适时也能同样做。People decline invitations when they are "indisposed" physically, and I wish they would do likewise when they fell indisposed emotionally.

在这份年报中,公司表示假如巴菲特先生永久性丧失管理公司的能力,将在公司内部产生的三名候选人中选择CEO继任者。The report stated that the firm has identified three outstanding internal candidates who could replace Mr Buffett as CEO if he becomes permanently indisposed.

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如果一定说真话的话,正规生这会儿都站得远远的,就像某些名垂史册的使徒那样袖手旁观,无动于衷,谁也不肯主动过来,热心帮忙。The regular scholars, if the truth must be told, stood at the present moment afar off, like certain historic disciples, indisposed to any enthusiastic volunteering of aid.

我生性讨厌犹犹豫豫,而且当时急不可耐,十分冲动——我全身心都因极度痛苦而震颤起来,我推开门,探进头去,目光搜索着海伦,担心遇见死亡。Indisposed to hesitate, and full of impatient impulses -- soul and senses quivering with keen throes -- I put it back and looked in. My eye sought Helen, and feared to find death.

国家不停通过警察力量行使抓捕罪犯的权力,以至于到今天,普通公民不仅无力行使那项权力,很可能只有万分之一的人才知道他拥有那项权力。State exercise of that right through a police force had gone on so steadily that not only were citizens indisposed to exercise it, but probably not one in ten thousand knew he had it.