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绝望的手盖我的脸。Desperate hands cover my face.

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也许他们是孤掷一注。Maybe they were just desperate.

我们千万不要弄得他走投无路。We must not make him desperate.

绝望是吗,还有呢?Desperate. Okay. How else? Yeah.

他太急于想得知这个消息了。He is desperate to get the news.

我祈祷着飞蛾扑火的毁灭。I pray for desperate destruction.

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她不顾一切的爱害死了鸟儿。Her desperate love had killed him.

我极度渴望得到他的关注。I was desperate for his attention.

囚犯们在绝望中更加不顾死活了。The prisoners grew more desperate.

他们不顾一切都想要一个新领袖。They're desperate for a new leader.

他硬着头皮决定去试试。He had come to a desperate decision.

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他们进行了拼死的斗争。They conducted a desperate struggle.

敌人因战败而拼死挣扎。The enemy grew desperate at the defeat.

那个国家的形势非常危急。The state of that country is desperate.

但现在她急需一份工作,任何的工作。Now she is desperate for a job, any job.

再多,你就开始看上去绝望。Any more and you start looking desperate.

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使用肝素是背水一战了。Heparin was a desperate toss of the dice.

敌人因失败而进行殊死挣扎。The enemy became desperate at the defeat.

我感到一种强烈的冲动想说出事实。I felt a desperate urge to tell the truth.