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立领。Stand collar.

罗伯特指着冰面上刻着的一条线说,“你就站在这里。Just stand here.

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哦,谁人可堪忍受?O who can stand?

一夜风流。One night stand.

我可以站起来!I could stand up!

看来我得改正过来。I stand corrected.

站直了!STAND up straight!

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我们在4号台,到时见!We are at stand 4.

你来,站起来说。Go ahead. Stand up.

站起来,躺下去。Stand up. Lie down.

你来,站起来告诉我们原因?Yes. Stand up. Why?

罗纹立领。Ribbed stand collar.

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他站不稳立场。He didn't stand firm.

请站好队。Please stand in line.

营救队待命。Stand by rescue team.

有出租车招呼站吗?Is there a taxi stand?

在救生艇上待命。Stand by at lifeboats.

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停在出租车站牌那边好了。Ands at the taxi stand.

你受得住这疼痛吗?Can you stand the pain?

你拍他打他,它还愿意吗?He won't stand beating.