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我削起一大块草皮。I takes a big divot.

如果你起床的时候床垫凹下去一块,那么这张床就太软了。If you're leaving a divot in the mattress when you get up, it's too soft.

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球道乐高尔夫球击打器能够真实模仿草地和球道的挥杆感觉。The FairwayPro really simulates the way it feels to hit off a fairway and take a divot.

球员的球停在一块草皮的前面,该草皮已经皱成一团但并未完全脱离地面。A player's ball comes to rest in front of a divot which is folded over but not completely detached.

根据前一杆打时削起的草皮,他能判定具体的位置。He is able to identify that specific spot by reference to the divot hole which his previous stroke made.

罗宾逊在英格兰已经落后的情况下,被一块小小的草皮愚弄,而他这个失误却占满了各家报刊的头条。Paul Robinson falls foul to a freakish divot when England are already losing and who takes every single headline?

之后他们在男孩脸上绘制出了17个点。例如眼角和上唇与鼻子之间的区域。They then mapped 17 points on the face, such as the corner of the eye and the divot in the upper lip beneath the nose.

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球手应当确保任何他造成的打迹和球对球洞区造成的损坏,都应小心地修理好。A player should ensure that any divot hole made by him and any damage to the putting green made by a ball is carefully repaired.

其中一半的脂肪细胞是用来填补缺损造成的空缺,另一半则用于分离可再生的干细胞。Half the fat is used to create the volume needed to fill the divot and half is processed to isolate stem and regenerative cells.

该组合包括1草皮工具,一顶帽子剪辑和2磁球制造商,使其成为你生命中狂热的高尔夫爱好者的完美礼物。The combo includes 1 divot tool, 1 hat clip and 2 magnetic ball makers, making it the perfect gift for the avid golfer in your life.

通常她的声音从电话上传来总是清凉悦耳,仿佛一块草根土从一片碧绿的高尔夫球场上飘进了办公室的窗口,但是今天上午她的声音却显得生硬枯燥。Usually her voice came over the wire as something fresh and cool, as if a divot from a green golf-links had come sailing in at the office window, but this morning it seemed harsh and dry.