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中国的难题在于不干涉政策。The challenge for China is its policy of nonintervention.

我中心不介入有关民事权益的裁定。My center nonintervention concerns the ruling of civil rights and interests.

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中国长期奉行不干涉的对外政策,利比亚已经成为对这一政策的一个重大挑战。Libya has been a major test for China's longstanding foreign policy of nonintervention.

而杨华山坚决不介入体检中心的原因,“是为了不和医院形成竞争”。And Yang Hua hill is determined the reason of nonintervention check-up center, "It is to do not form competition with the hospital ".

研究人员将87名切片检查确认罹患摄护腺癌的患者,以随机化的方式分配至实验组或未进行干涉的控制组。The researchers randomized 87 men with biopsy-documented prostate cancer to an experimental group or a nonintervention control group.

它的高度是资本主义经济的基础上大量的服务行业,以及蓬勃发展下的一个长期的政策,政府不干预。Its highly capitalist economy is heavily based on service industries, and thrives under a long-standing policy of government nonintervention.

卢拉改变了巴西长期的不干涉政策,参与了海地,洪都拉斯和富有争议的伊朗冲突。Lula altered Brazil's long-standing policy of nonintervention and got involved in conflicts in Haiti, Honduras and most controversially Iran.

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②搅拌轴螺棱间不发生干涉,优化了搅拌轴螺杆参数。In addition, the nonintervention condition of screw arris of the stirring shafts is obtained and the screw parameter of stirring shaft is optimized.

但在护宪三派内阁以后,却转变为以国际协调、不干涉中国内政为内容的"币原外交"。However, since Kato Takaaki set up a cabinet, its diplomatic policy changed to coordination with Euro-America and nonintervention of Chinese internal affairs.

自由和诚实的贸易往来一直都是最好的修复外交关系的手段,从来都不曾失败过,而看不到和平、自由和不干涉主义的好处却总会给民族和国家带来深重的灾难。Free and honest trade has always been the best way to do that, without fail. Not understanding the benefits of peace, freedom, and nonintervention will always bring about catastrophe.

分析了实行管制政策的后果以及管制政策为什么能够取代放任思想而占主导地位的原因。This paper analyzes the consequences of implementing the supervision policy and the reasons of supervision policy have replaced the nonintervention policy to be the dominant in history.