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培训将由现场经理或其指派的专员开展。Training will be performed by the site manager or their designee.

由客运铁路系统和联邦铁路局或其委派人员审计执行情况。Be audited for compliance by the passenger railroad and FRA or FRA’s designee.

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相关主管将告知该员工委员会在书面上的最后决定。The designee supervisor will inform all parties in writing of the final decision.

更早些时候,操守问题迫使被提名出任商务部长的比尔.理查森退出。Earlier, ethics questions prompted Commerce Secretary Designee Bill Richardson to withdraw.

相关主管可以选择在告知该员工委员会决定前,与员工先会面。The designee supervisor may choose to meet with the employee prior to rendering a final decision.

外科医生或操作者应通知可疑朊毒体病人进行脑组织活检的手术室。Surgeon or Designee will notify the Operating Room of the brain biopsy of suspected prion disease.

我希望能有机会和您,或者您所指派的人谈谈,来看看我是否对您有用,或者可能怎样为您效劳。I'd welcome the opportunity to speak with you or a designee to see if and how I might be of help to you.

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家人安全脱身后,应给该人打电话,这可能是你们联系的唯一途径。As each family member finds safety, they should call that designee who'll be your single point of contact.

只要承包商在现场,现场管理人员或其指派的专员就必须一直在现场。Whenever contractors are on site, site management or their designee is required to be present at all times.

第一阶相关主管应于上述会议结束后十个工作天内以书面正式通知该员工其决定。The Step 1 designee must inform the employee in writing of the decision within 10 workdays of the Step 1 meeting.

被指定人身份的书面证明文件,如果被要求的话,应当提供给公司的秘书长。Written evidence of the identity of the designee shall be furnished to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Corporation if so requested.

如上述第一、二步骤不能解决怨情或争议,雇员可上书工长或工长代理人。If the grievance or dispute is not resolved in step 1 or 2 above, Employee may file a complaint with the Chief of Labor or his designee.

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麦凯恩的顾问们认为此次大会对副总统的提早任命不会产生什么意义,因为会议的影响将会被奥巴马的选择冲淡。McCain advisers say they don't think it would make sense to name the vice presidential designee earlier because the impact would get diluted by Obama's selection.

假如无法在10工作日截止时间前提出书面决定,第一阶相关主管必须以书面通知该员工,书面决定延迟的理由和员工将会收到书面决定的日期。If there is any need to extend the 10 workday deadline, the designee must notify the employee in writing of the reason for the delay and the date the employee will receive the written decision.