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大约5分钟之后我们到达了目的地,这是体育场的正面。Maybe 5minites we got the destination, this is the front view of the palaestra.

我相信每个球场总是至少有一两个高手的。I believe there are always at least one or two splendid players in one palaestra.

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在北京鸟巢音乐会上,郎朗为宋祖英伴奏钢琴。Langlang played the piano for Song Zuying on the concert in Beijing Nest Palaestra.

在运动场,我看到各式各样的残疾运动员。In the palaestra I saw lots of athletes, who were disabled for some different kinds.

建造它的目的是为了给青年人灌输奥古斯都的理念提供一个场所。This Palaestra served as a gymnasium and a place indoctrinate the young people in Augustan ideals.

开合结构在大型体育馆、多用途体育场得到广泛应用。Retractable structures have been widely adopted in large-sized palaestra and multipurpose buildings.

广泛应用于工厂照明、体育场馆、大型超市、展览馆、库房等需要工矿灯照明的场所。It can be widely used for lighting in factories , palaestra , Supermarket, Exhibition hall and So on.

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提要大型体育场的交通集疏是保证体育竞赛正常进行的重要外部条件。The traffic organization is an important external condition of a huge palaestra to ensure the games normally carrying out.

新课程改革对教学内容、教学手段提出了新的要求,要求体育器材、场地规格标准也要以人为本。The reform of new curriculum is based on man-made principles which demands a new requirement of teaching content and teaching instrument, as well as palaestra and equipment.

本文结合南京奥林匹克体育中心主体育场屋盖结构实际工程,对温度作用进行理论计算和模型试验研究,以期为工程设计提供依据。With the project main palaestra roof structure of Nanjing Olympic sports center, theoretical analysis and experimental research of temperature action is discussed in this paper.

专门从事酒店餐饮服务业人才的输送,每个星期澳新人力资源公司会为新西兰多家星级宾馆,体育场以及各大活动中心提供200多名的工作人员。Other wise, Austranz specially introduce candidates to hotel and restaurant , every week Austranz places more than 200 candidates to hotel, palaestra and activity centers in New Zealand.

今晚天气很好,不凉也不热,路过体育场,大一新生正在学歌拉歌,幸福的孩子们啊。The weather here was very good tonight, neither too cold nor too hot. The freshmen were learning songs and having a competition while I passed the palaestra. How happy these children were.

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酒店位于火车站以东500米,交通十分便利,背靠人民公园和区体育馆,地理位置得天独厚。The hotel has not only convenient traffics which is situated 500M east to the railway station, but also has a favorable geographical position which is back to the People's park and Regional Palaestra.