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罗杰,把节流阀推上去。Roger, go at throttle up.

安装节气门体盖。Fit cover for throttle body.

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挑战者,把节流阀推上去。Challenger, go at throttle up.

我们正以全速前进。We were going at full throttle.

安装IAC马达至节气阀体。Install IAC motor to throttle body.

两个驾驶舱使用相同的油门杆。The cockpits use the same throttle.

VC2是反馈控制电容。VC2 is the throttle control capacitor.

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美联储还不收油门——收得不多。The Fed still didn't throttle back -- much.

固态软制动时,油门是小康。Solid state soft-brake when throttle is off.

高关税抑制了国与国之间的贸易。High tariffs throttle trade between countries.

采用针式节流阀门,控制进水量。It adopt pin style throttle to control inflow.

包括调节阀、节流阀、减压阀等。Including control valve , throttle , valve and so on.

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我们应该放慢公司发展的速度。We should throttle down the development of the company.

节流阀和丘的大小之间的24和50毫米。The throttle and venturi sizes are between 24 and 50 mm.

记住在转急弯之前要减速。Remember to throttle back before you go round a sharp corner.

他一踩油门,“呼”的一声,绿色小汽车冲过了斑马线。He cried, "a throttle", the green car washed the zebra crossing.

移动油门杆至您想要的故障安全的立场和搁置。Move throttle lever to your desired Fail Safe position and hold.

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这里描述的节气门体组件使用的铝铸件。Throttle Body Assemblies described here use an aluminum casting.

这就在生物学上等同于打开了发动机的节流阀。It's the biological equivalent of opening the throttle of an engine.

他驾驶着警车开足马力向匪徒冲去。He drove the police car at full throttle and dashed at the gangsters.