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队伍到达开阔地便成扇形摆开阵势。The troops fanned out in a northerly direction.

我想走一条穿过蒙大拿州的更靠北的路线。I wanted to go a more northerly route across Montana.

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巨爵于过去6小时采取较为偏北的路径。KOPPU took a more northerly track in the past 6 hours.

最北的种族有必要南移。The most northerly races have to be transferred southwards.

捕鲸船队开始向北乘风前进。The whaling fleet began to fill away on a northerly course.

那时,我正沿着大街向北去。I was proceeding along the High Street in a northerly direction.

偏北风盛行的冬季,而偏南风统治在夏季。Northerly winds prevail in winter, while southerly winds reign in summer.

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地球纬度是从赤道向南或向北以度数来表示。The Tropic of Cancer is the most northerly latitude in the Northern Hemisphere.

云街顺着偏北风的方向运动,形状也受风向的影响。The cloud streets run in the direction of the northerly wind that helps form them.

选用西行、北上和西行转向三个模式台风路径。Three model typhoon tracks, westerly, northerly and turning northwestward arc selected.

黄刀高尔夫俱乐部,是我2009年去过的地球最北边的高尔夫球场。Yellowknife Golf Club is the most northerly golf course that I've been to Earth in 2009.

南部尽端是一间车库,北部近端是一个半户外露台。A garage is situated at the southern end, while a covered terrace caps the northerly tip.

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位于基克拉迪斯最北端的安德罗斯岛是最精彩的山区徒步旅行地。There are wonderful walks all over mountainous Andros, the most northerly of the Cyclades.

这些外形相似的路径逐渐变宽并向北纬方向移动。The paths, which are similar in shape, gradually widen and shift to more northerly latitudes.

凭借原子能超凡技术引起注意的常常是朝鲜半岛两国的北朝鲜。IT IS usually the northerly of the two Koreas that attracts attention for its nuclear prowess.

参加这次会议的单位和代表来自北方13个省、市、自治区。The unit that attends this meeting and delegate are northerly 13 provinces, city, municipality.

在凤凰山的顶上,我们瑟缩于无情的北风之中。We were shivering at the merciless northerly winds up on the very peak of the Phoenix Mountain.

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如果想改进此构造,应该加上线性加速器北方和南方的站台。To improve this configuration, one would have to add stations northerly and southerly of the linac.

圣爱斯泰产区是梅多克地区六个产区中最北部的一个。The appellation of Saint-Estèphe is the most northerly of the six village appellations of the Médoc.

新斯科细亚是加拿大最东北部的葡萄酒生产省份,目前拥有约12座酒厂。Nova Scotia, our most easterly and northerly wine-producing province, has presently about 12 wineries.