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他弯起胳臂。He crooked his arm.

买一只歪歪扭扭的猫儿。He bought a crooked cat.

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谁喜欢歪牙?Who likes crooked teeth?

但这折边都扭歪了。But the hem's all crooked.

弯曲的腿和扭曲的指头。Bandy legs and crooked toes.

你的扣子全系错了。Your buttons are all crooked.

她弯了弯小拇指。She crooked her little finger.

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谁喜欢歪牙?正因如此。Who likes crooked teeth? Exactly.

你的帽子戴歪了。You are wearing your hat crooked.

他把弯曲的铁丝弄直。He bent a crooked circle straight.

他和几个不正派的人混在一起。He threw in with some crooked men.

一个站得挺直,一个驼背。One stands straight. One's crooked.

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这个小男孩把帽子歪戴。The boy has got his hat on crooked.

她勾勾手指向他示意。She crooked her finger to beckon him.

墙上的地图有些歪。The map on the wall is a bit crooked.

餐台上的银器是弯曲的。When silver is set crooked on tables.

他紧握巉岩石用蜷曲的手。He clasps the crag with crooked hands.

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直树也会有弯根。A straight tree may have crooked roots.

我妈说我的背弓得像个问号。My back's crooked like a question mark.

安德烈公爵屈起了第三个指头。Prince Andrey crooked his third finger.