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那就选择沙拉三明治烤肉吧。Opt for the falafel kebab.

电子邮件列表中选择也是至关重要的。Thee-mail opt in list is also crucial.

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选择钻石耳环或者单手镯。Opt for stud earrings or single bracelets.

快退休的老师宁愿多教几年书。Retirement-age teachers opt to teach longer.

这些是可供你选择的衣服。These are the clothes which you can opt for.

马盖蒂将要成为自由人,布兰德也要选择离开。Maggette will be a free agent and Brand can opt out.

只有经常的清洁才能防患于未然。Opt for frequent cleanings to nip tarnish in the bud.

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你可以尝试在一个专门的交友网站注册帐号。You can opt to sign up for a specialized dating site.

如果你是那类很怕冷的人,选择牛仔裤吧。If you’re someone who gets cold easily, opt for jeans.

刘璐只是逃避婚检的数百万人中的一例。And Liu is one of millions who have decided to opt out.

人们可以退出此项活动,但必须为此支付一项基金。People can opt out, but they have to pay toward a fund.

选择含咖啡咖啡、菊花茶者热牛。Opt for decaffeinated coffee, camomile tea, or warm milk.

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可选择固定或机动利率计息。May opt for application of fixed or floating interest rate.

出于对损坏牙釉质的担忧,我退而远之。I opt out, since it seems like it must wear down the enamel.

许多建筑师都选择了NCARB提供的自愿认证方式。Many architects opt for voluntary certification through NCARB.

如果您选择此选项的话您的保费可能会增加。Your premiums will likely increase if you opt for this option.

但是如果你想你还可以选择地板采暖系统。However if you want you can also opt for a floor heating system.

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人们是应该选择职业发展,还是高薪呢?Should one opt for career development oran immediate high salary?

多少人喜欢使用传统方式或图标来表示情绪?How many people opt for traditional emoticons versus graphic ones?

用户会出于各种原因选择注册别名或者假名.Users opt to register aliases and pseudonyms for different reasons.