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基特•吉勒特报道。Kit Gillet reports.

下载开发人员工具箱。Download the developer kit.

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接入点开发工具包。Access point development kit.

你喜欢我的新刮胡刀吗?Do you like my new razor kit?

我要买一个小的急救箱。I want a small first-aid kit.

其实是个鸟窝模型。It's actually a birdhouse kiT.

我们买了一套床的组合件。We bought the bed in kit form.

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以下是前拍摄的资料袋。Here's a front shot of the kit.

拿上你的灾难应急包。Take your Disaster Supplies Kit.

这里有一些照片,资料袋。Here are some pictures of the kit.

带上一个急救箱吧,以防万一。Bring a first aid kit just in case.

我用一组夹具把外壳表面向下固定在机床上。outside down. using a clamping kit.

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准备一个擦鞋工具箱。Make or buy your own shoe-shine kit.

下载完整的部署包.Download the complete deployment kit.

基特在危险的时刻总是很沉着。Kit was always calm in times of danger.

可以借我一下针线包吗?Excuse me, I want to lend the sewing kit.

我想处理掉所有这些东西。I want to buy the whole kit and caboodle.

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基特.阿什比是达拉斯一位医生的儿子。Kit Ashby was a doctor's son from Dallas.

你家里有急救箱吗?Do you have a first aid kit in your house?

我给记者包下来,他是太好了。I sent a press kit down, and he was so kind.