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你曾赐给我的。You have given me.

他被判处3年徒刑。He was given 3 years.

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雪停了。The snow had given up.

但是至今,还没有回应。But no answers were given.

那个击球手被判出局。The batsman was given out.

况丽获刑四年。Kuang was given four years.

玉米种子是人家送的。The seed corn was given me.

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这些将如下给出。And that's given as follows.

他被赋予了新的笔芯。He was given a fresh refill.

这是mg,数值已知。Here is mg-- that's a given.

你给他们喝的是苦艾酒?You've given them absinthe ?

他受到冷淡的接待。He was given a dry reception.

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请交我一份清样稿。Please given me a clean copy.

我譮将我的生命交讬于你。So i given u my life to keep.

但柏拉图的记述已足够。But Plato has given us enough.

我将要给了它一个力矩。I've given it a little torque.

它一个星期前被交到我手上。It was given to me a week ago.

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于是这就是我们所得到的全部。And that was all we were given.

从任何特定一年来看都是存在风险的。Any given year was a crapshoot.

他被委以重任。He was given an important task.