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为什么要如此渴望消费呢?Why are we so hungry to consume?

北地的凛风吞噬你们!Winds of the North, consume you!

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图表和报告消耗树木。Charts and reports consume trees.

我们必须尽力消耗敌人的有生力量。We must consume all strength of enemy.

你不能吃得多过你的食欲。You cannot consume beyond your appetite.

更小的汽车消耗更少的油。A smaller vehicle will consume less fuel.

切勿进食生或未经彻底煮熟的鲩鱼。Do not consume raw or undercooked grass carp.

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卤素灯消耗较多的能量。Halogen lights consume relatively more energy.

他们是否会消耗掉地球上有限的资源?Will they consume the earth’s scarce resources?

酸度适中,在酿造后的10-12年中饮用。Consume it during its first 10-12 years of life.

您在酒吧的消费通常都再以下哪个区间内?How much do you usually consume in a bar or club?

这个斜率就是边际消费倾向。That slope is the marginal propensity to consume.

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我们首先必须消灭敌人的有生力量。We must try our best to consume enemy effectives.

什么是最好的时候,每天的消费网络处理器?What is the best time of the day to consume NPU ?

如果我把今年的收入都花光了就会挨饿If I consume it all this year, I will be starving.

我可以在这条线上任意一点进行消费I can consume at any point along that line as well.

政府促使韩国人们存款,减少消费。Ordinary Koreans were chivvied to save, not consume.

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切勿进食已发芽、已发绿或已坏的马铃薯。Do not consume sprouted, greened or damaged potatoes.

蔓越莓沼泽湿地占据了大量的空间。Cranberry bogs consume lots of space in the marshland.

热采注汽锅炉是稠油开采中的主要耗能设备。The vapor boiler is the main equipment consume energy.