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如果尔格骑队正处于召唤失调,则忽略此效果。Ignore this effect if Erg Raiders has summoning sickness.

ERG帽子可卷起,使用方便,大范围可调,保证贴合舒适。Attached, roll-up, ERG hood Easy use, wide adjustment, great fit.

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ERG锥杆反应重度下降或记录不到波。ERG cone and rod responses were markedly reduced or non recordable in all cases.

光强度对龟纹瓢虫成虫复眼ERG值有影响。The intensity could influence the ERG values of the compound eye of P. japonica.

直到晚近时期,厄格人的后嗣才开始质疑技术所带来的利益。Only very lately have Erg 's descendants come to question the benefits of technology.

在你的回合中,如果尔格骑队未进行攻击,则在回合结束时牠对你造成2点伤害。At the end of your turn, Erg Raiders deals 2 damage to you if it did not attack this turn.

大部分研究用途补助金都是透过学术研究项目申请优配研究金的途径而发放的。The majority of the ERG is allocated to General Research Fund for academic research projects.

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结论多焦ERG和全视野ERG对视网膜劈裂的诊断各有其优点。Conclusion Each of the multifocal ERG and Ganzfeld ERG has its advantage in the diagnosis of the retinoschisis.

当暴露量达到拟用人治疗量时,在第6和12个月,正在发现视锥系统视网膜电流图改变。At 6 and 12months, there were ERG changes in the cone system at exposures similar to the expected human therapeutic exposure.

两者大同小异,为了叙述的方便,我们倾向于奥德费的三种划分。They are largely identical but with minor differences, for the sake of talking convenience, we tend to adopt Clayton Paul Alderfer's ERG theory.

以此吻合于马斯洛的需要论或奥德费的ERG理论,三个层次的需要并存于每个人身上。So it is fully in accord with Maslow's needs theory or Clayton Paul Alderfer's ERG theory, that these three levels of need be coexisted in every person.

以此吻合于马斯洛的需要论或奥德费的ERG理论,不同生态的人,有着不同的需要侧重点。So it is fully in accord with Maslow's needs theory or Clayton Paul Alderfer's ERG theory, that people in different survival state have different needs focus.

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以此吻合于马斯洛的需要论或奥德费的ERG理论,满足了低层次的需要,高层次的需要才会出现。So it is fully in accord with Maslow's needs theory or Clayton Paul Alderfer's ERG theory, that the upper needs will be intensifying only after the lower needs were satisfied well.

在那里,盛行风持续不断地改变这些巨大的线状沙丘的形态。These patterned stripes are part of Erg Chech, a desolate sand sea in southwestern Algeria, where the prevailing winds create an endlessly shifting collage of large, linear sand dunes.

这些规则状的条纹属于舍什沙漠的一部分,位于非洲阿尔及利亚西南部荒凉的沙海,不断吹拂的大风创造出无数漂移不定、呈线性的沙丘。These patterned stripes are part of Erg Chech, a desolate sand sea in southwestern Algeria, Africa, where the prevailing winds create an endlessly shifting collage of large, linear sand dunes.

交通行业的资深人士说,如果ERG准备接受财务清算,政府将被迫雇佣大约50名ERG雇员组成职员班底来维护现有的售票系统。Senior transport industry sources said if ERG was to enter receivership, the Government could be forced to employ around 50 ERG employees as a skeleton staff to maintain the current ticket system.