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我常骑自行车。I cycle a lot.

景气状况周期性地出现。Booms run in cycle.

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记住那种循环。Remember the cycle.

不要并排骑车。Don't all cycle abreast.

这种恶性循环要不得。This is a vicious cycle.

这就是商业盛衰的循环。That's the business cycle.

如何打破这个循环?How do you break the cycle?

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所以是个良性循环。So that's a virtuous cycle.

这就是生命周期。That's the life cycle story.

两方案均21天或28天为一周期。The cycle was 21 or 28 days.

这就是波恩哈伯循环。That is the Born-Haber Cycle.

这就是资本的循环。It is the cycle of capitalism.

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这有可能成为一个恶性循环。This can be a dangerous cycle.

“我们陷入了一个险恶的循环”。We're in a very vicious cycle.

CCR1决定任务的循环。CCR1 determines the duty cycle.

就这样,恶性循环又开始了。And so the vicious cycle begins.

存储类型的数据生命周期Data life cycle of storage types

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一个完整的“关-开-关”周期。For a complete off-on-off cycle.

为整个改变循环做出计划。Plan for the whole change cycle.

一天我们必须打破常规。Someday we must break the cycle.