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我们把所有零碎东西从巴士上清理下来。We have emptied the bus of all our detritus.

碎屑的嘎吱嘎吱的反抗下我的脚。The detritus of the revolt crunched under my feet.

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该机能对各种粮食谷物进行去石、除尘等清理。The machine can remove detritus and dust from grain.

不只有万那杜从战争的堆积物中得到好处。It is not just Vanuatu that is benefiting from the detritus of war.

博物馆里塞满了华美的引人注目的权利的碎屑。Museums are filled with the beautiful and seductive detritus of power.

任何鸟粪都没有首都的垃圾肥效高。There is no guano comparable in fertility with the detritus of a capital.

在远方地平线上,矗立着一个世纪以来开采石油产生的碎石堆。In the distance, the detritus of a century of oil exploration lines the horizon.

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不管是谁的责任,个人还是企业,惨淡的结果是显而易见的。Whatever the responsibility, individual or corporate, the detritus is plain to see.

应避免尘垢、水滴、金属碎屑或其他杂物侵入。It should be kept away from dust and dirt, water drops, metal detritus and other things.

从穆巴拉克专制的废墟上将会诞生一个不完美的民主制度。No perfectly formed democracy is about to emerge from the detritus of Mr Mubarak’s regime.

开发腐屑食物链是大农业资源开发系统之一。Exploiting detritus food chain is part of development system of grand agricultural re-sources.

但是一些私募股权投资者却正在收购的废墟中搜寻利润。But some private equity investors are searching for profits in the detritus of the buyout bust.

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南普雷斯科特市是在垃圾填埋区上建立起来的,填埋区容纳了来自1906年旧金山大地震中的碎石瓦砾。South Prescott was built on landfills holding the detritus of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake.

本区可能存在的中酸性熔岩海山是长英质轻碎屑物质的主要源区。The intermediate and acid seamount which maybe exist , may be the main origin of felsic detritus.

碎石材料构建的抛填式河床对污染物的高效去除效果是短暂的。The high removal efficiency in treating polluted water in the detritus channel model is short-term.

有效的储集空间发育在强风化碎石层和弱风化块石层。Effective reservoir space is developed in highly weathered detritus and weakly weathered block layer.

因为河流生物群落多以自陆地冲刷下来的生物有机碎屑为生,较少直接以活的植物为生。Stream communities rely less on food from living plants and more on detritus that washes in from land.

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前院里散落着枯叶、树枝和一些瓦砾,从去年冬天就是这个样子了。Old leaves, fallen tree branches, and other detritus left over from the winter littered the front yard.

但这些数码时代的碎屑却对两年前创办这个场的老板崔西-费恩斯坦有着非凡利益。This detritus of the digital age spells profit for Trace Feinstein, who founded e-Scrap Destruction two years ago.

在接下来的以千百万年计的漫长时光里,更多的星星从最初的恒星的碎片中产生。During all these tens and hundreds of millions of years, more stars are being born from the detritus of the first stars.