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还有马龙这个人真是烂透了。Also Malone is a terrible person.

马龙告诉他发生了什么事。Malone told him what had happened.

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好了,马隆先生,一切都安排好了。All right, Mr. Malone. You're all set.

马隆在床脚坐下了。Malone sat down on the bottom of the bed.

这是可爱的梅露恩的结局。And that was the end of sweet Molly Malone.

马龙走进齐腰高的石墙。Malone stepped close to a waist-high rock wall.

马龙对这些充满色彩的版本很熟悉。Malone was familiar with the colorful editions.

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马龙注意到丝苔妮接收了这指令。Malone watched as Stephanie took in the command.

她走近桌子在马龙对面坐下。She approached the table and sat across from Malone.

马龙知道关于里奈已经有了几百本书。Malone knew that hundreds of books existed on Rennes.

这就是为什么他在98年全明星赛上不要马龙来做掩护的原因。That was why he waved off Malone in the '98 All-Star game.

很到位的解释,马龙想,但他还是没有被说服。Good point, Malone thought, but he still was not convinced.

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马龙可以听到上面的脚步声回荡下来。Malone could hear footfalls echoing from the flooring above.

马龙撞门而入,发现了蹲在墙角的莫莉。Malone door and knocked, Molly found crouching in the corner.

尤因,莫宁,马龙,甚至贾巴尔都必须把对方从自己身上弄开。Ewing, Zo, Malone. hell even Kareem had to get people off him.

“到比赛结束后,我们都变成红袜队的‘粉丝’了,”马龙和格里斯蒂说。“By the end of it we were Red Sox fan” Malone and Grixti said.

马龙注意到了其中一个墓碑上的碑文,很难看清。Malone noticed the epitaph on one of the stones, barely legible.

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马龙当时只有十岁他记得他母亲受到的打击很重。Malone was ten and he remembered his mother taking the death hard.

马龙思量再三,决定好好考虑和谭小燕的关系。Malone on reflection, he decided to consider relations with xiao-yan tan.

马龙询问进山的路,却又被告之山路已然被炸毁之事。Malone asked road in the mountains, but the defendant of road is destroyed.