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魏森终于出现了!Wei Sen finally appeared!

大部分温泉都不允许穿着泳衣。Most on sen do not allow swim suits.

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森告诉白她认为他是河。Sen tells Haku she thinks he was the river.

明晓得是谎言,森动的心还是开端动摇了。Figure is lies, sen heart or beginning waver.

江船夜雨听笛,倚晚晴。Lean river boat patter hear flute, yat sen villa.

开班典礼由王世森主持。Opening ceremony presided over by the Wangshi Sen.

“中国人在基础设施上投资很多,”森说。"China invests a lot in infrastructure, " Sen says.

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白和森倒黑暗骨干到锅炉房。Haku and Sen fall down a dark shaft into the boiler room.

刚刚,麦凯恩参议员很有风范地给我打了个电话。I just received a terribly grhvacious cisl from Sen. McCain.

森达达,艺术家,1964年1月生于中国大陆。Sen Dada artists, in January 1964 was born in mainland China.

民主党人将此举斥为政治伎俩。Democrats dismissed the moves as political gimmickry, and Sen.

首相洪森和他的盟友控制者几家媒体宣传。Prime Minister Hun Sen and his allies control several outlets.

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其中一个障碍则是取得特殊教学的最初证明。One of these barriers is getting that initial statement of SEN.

他计划向石油公司征收利润税,用以支付退税支出。He would pay for the rebates by taxing oil-company profits. Sen.

这是孙中山先生在1902年于河南与法国殖民官员的合照。The photo of Sun Yat Sen with French officials in Hanoi in 1902.

前为会仙庵旧址,今房基、石庙尤存。Um site will be sen before, this foundations, stone temple remain.

Yubaba说,洪森首先必须确定她的父母从一组猪。Yubaba says Sen must first identify her parents from a group of pigs.

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但是,你知道吗,参议员奥巴马得作出那个决定。But, you know, Sen. Obama had to make that decision," Richardson said.

茶道宗师千利休想把花篮挂到庭柱上。Sen no Rikyu, a tea-master, wished to hang a flower basket on a column.

课间,他会去一个有着四个帐篷的露营地为抗议活动作宣讲。Between classes, Mr. Sen goes to the four-tent bivouac to run teach-ins.