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中国是当前经济形势好转的一大推动力。China is a big driver of the current upturn.

并非所有德国出口商的状况都在好转。Not all German exporters are enjoying the upturn.

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数字音乐下载量不会出现飙升了。There's no hockey-stick upturn in digital downloads.

有效地扼制了欠税的增长势头。The upturn of arrears and tax unpaid was well curbed.

他还称,标普的调整甚至可能预示,银行业形势即将好转.S&P's changes may even foretell a coming upturn for banks, he said.

此外,对贸易好转的强劲程度和持久性仍存在着普遍的担忧。And there are widespread worries about the strength and durability of the upturn.

除此之外,电脑市场整体情况的好转也是AMD实现赢利的原因。But A.M.D. also appeared to benefit from an upturn in the overall computer market.

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要确保这个脆弱的复苏是持久的,政策制定者们需要一些技巧。Ensuring that this fragile upturn is sustained will require some skill from policymakers.

复苏后下降往往是昙花一现,价格可能恢复下降。The upturn following a decline is often shortlived and prices might resume their decline.

肯德基过去就曾推出过烧烤类产品,但还从未借此在销售上取得过突破。KFC has introduced grilled products in the past but couldn't sustain an initial sales upturn.

这是个转折点,此后他与政府的关系开始好转,不过没有一项是他完全欣然接受的。It was an upturn in Mr. Zhao’s relationship with the government, but not one he entirely welcomed.

但是,他和世界各地的决策者担心,即将到来的经济回升将既不能持久也不够强劲。But he and policymakers around the world fear that the coming upturn will be neither durable nor strong.

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午后的阳光透过门口大簇的忍冬树丛,照在我仰起的脸上。The afternoon sun penetrated the mass of honeysuckle that covered the porch, and fell on my upturn face.

人们担心的是,如果这些公司在美国的销售额无法显著回升,单靠削减成本推动的利润增长也就只能到此为止。The worry is that without a meaningful upturn in U.S. sales, cost-cutting can only boost profits so long.

然而这并不意味着象罗伊·范·维德文章中写的“不生育妇女不存在巨大影响力”。However, that doesn't mean that the passage of Roe v. Wade had no impact on the upturn in childless women.

这是因为,周期性的经济复苏除了掩盖日本根深蒂固的问题之外,没有任何作用。That is because the cyclical upturn is unlikely to do any more than paper over Japan’s deep-seated problems.

制造商需要通过恢复生产和补充库存,来应对新订单的增加。Manufacturers will need to respond to the upturn in new orders by resuming production and replenishing stocks.

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现在,经济的好转开始反馈到求职市场——至少谨慎地、在某些行业来看是这样。Now, that upturn here is starting — at least tentatively and in certain sectors — to feed into the job market.

米尔沃尔的成绩近来有所好转,但他们仍要为避免降级而战斗。Although currently enjoying an upturn in results, the Lions season looks set to be a battle against relegation.

全球范围的增加保时捷设计经销点和专卖店的数量,将创造一个未来的经济的复苏。The number of Porsche Design Stores and Shops is to increase again worldwide, which will create a further upturn.