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我认为自满,就是心之凶德。I argue that it is complacence.

你听到的是沾沾自喜的声音。What you’re hearing is the voice of complacence.

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使用者方面,使用统计及满意度调查应能持续进行。For users , usage and complacence should be keep on.

由于自满,她没有取得进一步进展。She made no further progress because of complacence.

这种人他们自以为是,刚愎自用。Men of complacence are obstinate and consider they always right.

我们认为做设计不能只注重于美感和自我沉醉。We thought that the design not only beauty and self- complacence.

我认为自满,就是我所指的心之凶德。他们自以为是,刚愎自用。Men of complacence are obstinate and consider themselves always right.

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他必须拥有一定的竞争能力,因为我讨厌男人自以为是。He must possess a measure of competitiveness because I hate complacence.

资本唱着歌德的诗句,以洋洋得意的快乐表达了它的欣喜。Citing Goethe's lines, capital expresses its rapture with complacence and delight.

如果这是你悟到的,那么我会为自己的错误表达和你的选择性接听感到内疚。If complacence was the message you got, then I would be guilty of faulty communication and you of selective listening.

至少一个学院有国际学生用本土语言写同意申请信。At least one college has its international students write letters in the native languages of accepted complacence applicants.

如果你得到的是这个信息,那我会为错误的传达感到愧疚,而你也该为偏听自责。If complacence were the message you got, I would be guilty of faulty communication, and you would be guilty of selective listening.

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讽刺作品使我们排除了自满情绪,并愉快地惊叹道许多我们毫无疑问地接受的价值观是错误的。Satire jars us out of complacence into a pleasantly shocked realization that many of the values we unquestioningly accept are false.

他曾经有一出戏剧第一晚演出,落幕时他一副怡然自得的样子,上前接受观众喝采。Once, on the opening night of one of his plays, he stepped forward with obvious complacence at its conclusion to accept the plaudits of the crowd.

她在任何时候都意识到自己是社会的公仆,她是极端的谦虚,永远不给自满留下任何余地。At any time, she was aware of herself to be a public servant for serving the society, so she was extremely modest and always not gave ground to self- complacence.

中国的快速增长可能最终会导致大萧条,或者让他们自满放弃并丢掉让他们增长的能力。Or the acceleration of China might actually lead to a depression, or the growth might lead to complacence and destruction of skills that had actually fueled the growth.

吸毒者的人格特点主要表现为“急躁、冲动、活跃”与“安于现状、不思进取”两个相互矛盾的方面,以及男女性别角色与传统性别角色的偏离。Those with heroin dependence showed antinomy of both "irritability, impulsion , brisk" and "complacence with status in quo, lower enterprise", and deviations from traditional sex-roles.

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他们具有偏执性的心理倾向,由此可以对他们的某些外在表现如顽强刻苦、自我崇高进行解释。Most of them have more or less paranoid psychological tendency, and it can give an explanation to some of their characteristics such as over hard working, highly self-sacrifice and self- complacence.