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您愿意来杯开胃酒吗?Would you like an aperitif ?

世界著名的希腊开胃酒。The world famous Greek aperitif.

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是很好的餐前开胃酒,非常适合庆典场合饮用。Brut is very good as an aperitif.

想要端开胃酒吗?Would you like to order aperitif?

烈的有水果味,可爱的开胃酒。Dry and fruity , lovely as an aperitif.

点餐之前您想来杯开胃酒吗?。Would you like an aperitif before you order?

想喝什么样的开胃酒?What kind of drinks do you have for aperitif?

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进餐前您要不要来杯开胃酒?Would you care for an aperitif before you meal?

冰冻后作餐前开胃酒或餐后独饮。Best Serve chilled as an aperitif or dessert wine.

待他做完这一切,就到喝开胃酒的时候了。By the time he has finished, it is the hour of the apéritif.

来点开胃酒怎么样?一些香槟酒,鱼子酱?全都是进口货。How about an aperitif? Some champers, caviar? It's all imported.

先生,晚上好。进餐前要不要来点开胃酒?Good evening, sir. Would you care for an aperitif before your meal?

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作为开胃酒或搭配干果,冰镇后饮用更佳。Perfect as an aperitif and with hors -d'oeuvres. Serve well chilled.

适饮温度4-6℃,配以巧克力或甜品享用,可作开胃酒。Serve at 4-6℃. Ideal with chocolate, dessert. Perfect as an aperitif.

您可以享受开胃酒或者可以睡前聊天。You can enjoy an aperitif or you can chat over a night-cap before bed.

最宜作为开胃酒饮用或可与贝类、鱼类和白肉相配。Ideal as an aperitif or accompanied with shellfish, fish and white meat.

餐前饮用十分理想,与海鲜,汤类及白肉等菜肴搭配鲜美无比。MC002-Excellent as an aperitif or to accompany soups, seafood or white meats.

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可作开胃酒,完美搭配色拉,辛辣食物和印度、泰国食物。Serve as aperitif wine, ideal to combine with salads, spicy food and Indian food.

立即饮用。适宜作为开胃酒搭配鸡肉,野味,红肉和意大利面。Drinking well now. Great as an aperitif or with chicken, game, red meat and pasta.

适合餐前饮用,与海鲜,汤类及白肉等菜肴搭配较理想。Excellent as an aperitif or to accompany antipasti, soups, seafood or white meats.