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他的维亚萨座位在檀车上准备好了,但他决定与奉献者一起行走。His Vyasasana was available on the Ratha cart, but he decided to walk with the devotees.

而且不确定的货币流动也会对汇款流量产生无法预测的影响。Also uncertain currency movements can have unpredictable effects on remittance flows,” Ratha added.

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Ratha说,过去三个月以来,希望获得汇款数据和预测的请求“暴涨”了。Ratha says requests for data and projections on remittances have "skyrocketed" in the last three months.

Ratha敦促发展中国家通过发行侨民债券来挖掘其海外侨民的财富。Ratha has urged developing countries to tap the wealth of their overseas diasporas by issuing diaspora bonds.

Ratha最近敦促菲律宾、肯尼亚、巴基斯坦和加纳为海外工人提供侨民债券。Ratha recently urged the Philippines, Kenya, Pakistan, and Ghana to offer diaspora bonds to its overseas workers.

“在非洲,还没有人关注和认识到海外资源应用的重要性”Ratha解释到。"There hasn't been a concerted and recognized effort to mobilize diaspora resources in any manner, " Ratha explains.

拉瑟援引居民调查的统计数据说,报告显示汇款带来了低收入国家贫困率的降低。Drawing on household surveys, Ratha says the report shows remittances have led to reduced poverty levels in low income countries.

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拉塔表示“亟需重新评估对通过手机汇款的规定,减少业务风险。”“There is urgent need to reassess regulations for remittances through mobile phones and mitigate the operational risks,” Ratha said.

Ratha说,发展中国家应该调动这个相对稳定的人口的潜力,他们的收入一般高于祖籍国的GDP。Ratha says developing countries could tap this relatively stable population, which often has a higher income than their home country's GDP.

在非洲,2009年埃塞俄比亚就开启过类似的金融行为,虽然没有很大的成功,主要因为察觉到有政治风险,Rath提到。In Africa, a similar effort was launched by Ethiopia in 2009, although without much success, because of perceived political risk, according to Ratha.

Ratha说非洲海外移民对自己的祖国有很深的感情,并伴随着具有吸引力的投资回报率,那能吸引非洲海外移民团体去购买移民散居债券。Ratha says migrants' emotional ties with their home countries, coupled with attractive interest rates, can entice overseas communities to buy diaspora bonds.

Ratha说,发展中国家应该考虑通过债权或其它融资手段利用他们一般数量很大的海外侨民的财富,以筹集资本。Ratha says developing countries should consider tapping the wealth of their often large overseas diasporas through bonds or other financing instruments to raise capital.

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Ratha引用埃塞俄比亚近期试图为发电行业发售散居侨民债券的案例说,这是一次很受因政治原因而移居海外的侨民欢迎的发售,但最终因其认为存在很高的政治风险而彻底失败。Ratha cites a recent attempt by Ethiopia to issue a diaspora bond for electricity generation – a very popular issue with émigrés – that fell flat because of a perception of high political risks.