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纤维素是很难分解的。Cellulose is hard to break down.

我们能否使用非粮食纤维提取石油?Is gasoline going to be produced from non-grain cellulose?

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其他单纱,醋酸纤维长丝纺制,非供零售用。Yarn of cellulose acetate filaments, single, nes, not put up.

甲基纤维素是一种非离子型水溶性聚合物。Methyl cellulose is a kind of non-ionic water-soluble polymer.

像乌尔莫树,植物废物主要是由纤维素。Like the ulmo tree, plant waste is mostly made up of cellulose.

石棉水泥、纤维素水泥或类似材料的制品。Articles of asbestos-cement, of cellulose fibre-cement or the like.

严重便密时,服用螺旋藻好还是纤维素好?Serious close when, is taking helix alga still cellulose very good?

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DEAE纤维素柱采用了两种不同梯度的洗脱体系。Two different gradient elutions were used in DEAE cellulose column.

研究棉纤维素的辐射降解的后效应。Aim To determine aftereffect in the degradation of cotton cellulose.

壳聚糖是自然界中仅次于纤维素的第二大天然生物有机资源。Chitosan is a natural bio-organic resource, second to the cellulose.

天然纤维素膜不经任何处理直接干燥,膜发脆、卷曲,作用不大。Natural cellulose membranes were crisp, curled, and have little use.

介绍了以植物纤维原料为主的农用纸基地膜的研制与应用。The agricultural mulch made mainly of cellulose fibers was developed.

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可采用甲基纤维素滴眼液、考的松滴眼液维持眼部的湿润。Use methyl cellulose eye drops, eye drops-examination of the eye moist.

研究棉纤维素的辐射降解的后效应。Aim To determine the aftereffect in the degradation of cotton cellulose.

再生麻纤维是一种新型的再生纤维素纤维。The regenerated flax fiber is a new type of regenerated cellulose fibre.

因此,纤维素对有价值的动物蛋白而言是有一定贡献的资源。Cellulose is, therefore, a contributing source of voluble animal protein.

以纤维素废弃物为原料利用黑曲霉LN0402菌株发酵生产纤维素酶。Cellulose waste was used to produce cellulase by Aspergillus niger LN0402.

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每个植物细胞外面有一层由较厚的纤维素构成的细胞壁。The plant cell is bounded by a comparatively thick wall made of cellulose.

木质素是植物界里仅次于纤维素的第二种丰富的有机资源。Lignin is the second abundant organic resource only to cellulose in plants.

螯合纤维素制备工艺简单,性能优越,成本低廉。Chelating cellulose is of simple preparation, excellent nature and low cost.